This twentieth meeting of the SCA Executive Committee, as well as the side-events were held virtually.
Event information

Event type:
The themes discussed at the twentieth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC complement those discussed at the previous meeting and refer to various challenges faced by national statistical systems in the region relating to the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the subsequent recovery.
- The statistical challenges arising from development in transition, the production of official statistics based on the measurement of perceptions, innovations in the production of environmental statistics and peer review mechanisms to strengthen statistical institutions in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic were analyzed.
- Review the progress in the implementation of the biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities, 2020–2021, of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC was examined.
In addition, virtual side events were held of interest to the member countries of the Conference:
- The United Nations World Data Forum and the “Road to Bern” Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals in the Americas Region.
- Caribbean Geospatial Development Initiative (CARIGEO).
- Disability statistics from a regional perspective: the Buenos Aires Group. (Spanish only)
Agreements and Report
Agreements of the Twentieth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC (8 Apri 2021)
Working documents
5 abr/Apr | |
LC/CE.20/1 | |
LC/CE.20/2 | Temario provisional anotado (25 mar 2021)
Annotated Provisional agenda (25 mar 2021) |
LC/CE.20/3 | |
LC/CE.20/4 |
Reference documents
Programme of work:
Full video of April 7
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Opening session
• Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL / Executive Secretary of ECLAC
• Juan Daniel Oviedo, Director General del DANE de Colombia, en su calidad de Presidente de la CEA-CEPAL / Director-General of the DANE of Colombia, in his capacity as Chair of SCA-ECLAC
• Stefan Schweinfest, Director de la División de Estadística de las Naciones Unidas / Director of the United Nations Statistics Division
Adoption of the agenda
Juan Daniel Oviedo, Director General del DANE de Colombia, en su calidad de Presidente de la CEA-CEPAL / Director-General of the DANE of Colombia, in his capacity as Chair of SCA-ECLAC
High-level dialogue on development in transition
Desarrollo en Transición en tiempos de pandemia: rol de los datos para una cooperación fortalecida y renovada
Development in transition in times of pandemic: the role of data for renewed and stronger cooperation
▪ Mario Pezzini, Director del Centro de Desarrollo de la OCDE / Director of the Development Centre of OEC
▪ Jolita Butkeviciene, Directora para ALC de la Dirección General de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo de la Comisión Europea / Director for LAC in Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission
New measurements and approaches for development in transition
Nuevas mediciones y aproximaciones para el Desarrollo en Transición
Macarena Alvarado, Jefa de la División de Observatorio Social del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia de Chile / Head of the Social Observatory Division of the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile
▪ Introducción: Hacia la incorporación de indicadores de percepciones en las encuestas de hogares de los países de América Latina y el Caribe
▪ Introduction: Towards the incorporation of perceptions indicators in household surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean countries
Juan Daniel Oviedo, Director General del DANE de Colombia, en su calidad de Presidente de la CEA-CEPAL / Director-General of the DANE of Colombia, in his capacity as Chair of SCA-ECLAC
▪ Introducción / Introduction
Peer reviews in the European statistical system - insights into the mechanism used in the past and in the future
Peer reviews in the European Statistical System - insights into the mechanism used in the past and in the future
El Instrumento de Evaluación de Capacidad Estadística (TASC): un punto de partida para iniciar el trabajo
▪ José Antonio Mejía, Especialista Líder en Modernización del Estado del BID / Modernization of the State Lead Specialist at BID
Panel of countries on lessons learned from the peer review in the region
▪ Diana Castillo-Trejo, Directora General en funciones del Instituto de Estadísticas de Belice (SIB) / Acting Director-General of the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB)
▪ Susie Fortier, Directora del Centro de Cooperación Internacional e Innovación Metodológica de la Oficina de Estadística del Canadá / Director of the International Cooperation and Methodology Innovation Centre of Statistics Canada
▪ Leesha Delatie-Budair, Directora General Adjunta del Instituto de Estadística de Jamaica / Deputy Director General of the Statistical Institute of Jamaica
▪ Iván Ojeda, Director Nacional del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) del Paraguay / National Director of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Paraguay
Marco Lavagna, Director del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC) de la Argentina / Director of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) of Argentina
Full video of April 8
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Review of progress in the implementation of the biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities, 2020–2021, of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC
1) Guía para la implementación de un marco de aseguramiento de la calidad para la producción de estadísticas oficiales en América Latina y el Caribe
Guide for the implementation of a quality assurance framework for the production of official statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean
2) Marco metodológico armonizado para la medición de indicadores relacionados con los desastres de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y del Marco de Sendái para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres 2015-2030
A harmonized methodological framework for measuring disaster-related indicators pertaining to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
3) Guía metodológica para las mediciones de uso del tiempo en América Latina y el Caribe
Methodological guide on time-use measurements in Latin America and the Caribbean
4) Protocolo para la recolección y divulgación de datos sobre niños, niñas y adolescentes como participantes de estudios
Protocol for the collection and dissemination of data from studies involving children and adolescents
5) Manual sobre el diseño de sistemas estadísticos de seguridad y justicia penal
Manual on the design of security and criminal justice statistical systems
6) Documento metodológico sobre aspectos conceptuales y aprovechamiento estadístico de registros administrativos económicos
Methodological document on conceptual aspects and statistical use of economic administrative records
7) Guía para la medición de precios y volúmenes del sector servicios
Guide for the measurement of prices and volumes in the services
8) Recomendaciones para la generación de estadísticas e indicadores ambientales con información geoespacial y el uso de fuentes no convencionales
Recommendations for generating environmental statistics and indicators with geospatial information and non-conventional sources
9) Lineamientos generales para la captura de datos censales: revisión de los métodos de captura de datos con miras a la ronda de censos de 2020
General guidelines for census data capture: a review of data capture methods with a view to the 2020 census round
10) Documento de diagnóstico sobre las capacidades de los sistemas estadísticos de América Latina y el Caribe y mejores prácticas para la medición de la migración internacional
Assessment of the capacities of statistical systems in Latin America and the Caribbean and best practices to measure international migration
11) Documento sobre buenas prácticas para la adopción de las nuevas normas internacionales de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)
Document of best practices for the adoption of the new international standards of the International Labour Organization
Iniciativa de Desarrollo Geoespacial del Caribe (CARIGEO) | Caribbean Geospatial Development Initiative (CARIGEO) |
Estadísticas de discapacidad con perspectiva regional: el Grupo de Buenos Aires |
Report by the secretariat on the regional follow-up of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the dissemination of regional statistics
▪ Cuarta Reunión del Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible y Plataforma Regional de Conocimiento sobre la Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe (SDG Gateway)
Fourth meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development and the Regional Knowledge Platform on the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean (SDG Gateway)
Avances en la difusión de estadísticas regionales a través de CEPALSTAT / Progress in the dissemination of regional statistics through CEPALSTAT/
Other matters
Presentation of the World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives
Involucramiento de las oficinas nacionales de estadística en la producción y difusión de estadísticas sobre ciudades: estudio reciente sobre encuestas de movilidad urbana
Presentación del proyecto “Desigualdad: enfoques innovadores para examinar la desigualdad mediante la integración de diferentes fuentes de datos en América Latina y el Caribe”
Project Presentation: Innovative Approaches to Examining Inequality by Integrating Different Data Sources in Latin America and the Caribbean
▪ Renovación de miembros del Grupo Interinstitucional y de Expertos sobre losODS y el Grupo de Alto Nivel de Colaboración, Coordinación y Fomento de la Capacidad en materia de Estadística para la Agenda 2030
Renewal of the mandate of the member countries of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators and the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for Statistics for the 2030 Agenda
Consideration and adoption of agreements
Why do people’s perceptions matter, and how can we measure them?
Why-do people’s perceptions matter, and how can we measure them?
The measurement of subjective well-being by INEGI
▪ Gerardo Leyva Parra, Director General Adjunto de Investigación del INEGI de México / Deputy Director General for Research, INEGI of Mexico
Measurement of perceptions in the National Multipurpose Household Survey of Ecuador, 2018-2020
Encuesta Nacional Multipropósito de Hogares (Seguimiento al Plan Nacional de Desarrollo)
Twenty years of work in Latin America and the Caribbean: advances and challenges in the production of environmental and climate change statistics and indicators
Veinte años de trabajo LAC: avances y desafíos en la producción de estadísticas e indicadores ambientales y de cambio climático
Main advances in the production of environmental statistics
Estadísticas medioambientales en INE-Chile y sus avances
Experience relating to the development of environmental statistics and consolidation of the National Environmental Information System
Experiencia para el desarrollo de estadísticas ambientales y consolidación del Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental en Costa Rica: sistema de indicadores de agua
System of environmental indicators, sustainability and the circular economy
Sistema de indicadores ambientales, de sostenibilidad y economía circular
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The twentieth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas was inaugurated today with a call to strengthen the role of national statistics offices in order to tackle the challenges of COVID-19.

Nineteenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC
This Nineteenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the SCA as well as the side-events were held virtually.
Organizing institution:
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- 56 222100000
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) Colombia
- (571) 597 8300