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Tenth Session of UN-GGIM: Americas

17 October 2023|Event

The tenth Session of the United Nations Regional Committee for Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas), as well as the side events, took place from 17 to 20 October 2023 in person at Headquarters of ECLAC.


Foto grupal de la Décima sesión de UN-GGIM: Américas
Foto grupal de la Décima sesión de UN-GGIM: Américas / Group photo of the Tenth UN-GGIM session

This meeting aims to follow up on the progress of the work agenda of the Regional Committee, regarding the implementation of global geospatial guidelines of the United Nations in its Member States. Likewise, promote spaces for collaboration and exchange to strengthen national processes and initiatives for the management of geospatial information.

17 Oct 2023

18 Oct 2023

  • Video dia 1

    10:00 to 16:30

    Décima sesión de UN-GGIM: Américas (18 octubre 2023)


  • Opening session Tenth Session of UN-GGIM: Americas

    10:05 to 10:25

    ▪ Rolando Ocampo, Director of Statistics Division of ECLAC
    ▪ Marcela Sandoval,Minister of National Assets of Chile
    ▪ Paloma Merodio, Co-chair of UN-GGIM 
    ▪ Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the United Nations Statistics Division
    ▪ Paula Narváez, President of Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of United Nations

    • Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Américas, Antonio Campuzano, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia/Pan American Institute of Geography and History, & Antonius Bambang Wijanarto, UN-GGIM: Asia Pacífico/UN-GGIM: Asia Pacific
      Celebrando 10 años de UN-GGIM: Américas / Celebrating 10 years of UN-GGIM: Americas
      Verificación del quórum y aprobación de la Agenda / Verification of quorum and approval of the agenda
      Fotografía oficial / Official photo
  • Session 1: Regional Report

    11:30 to 11:50
    • Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas/President of UN-GGIM: Americas
      Report of the UN-GGIM Americas Regional Committee 2022-2023
  • Session 2: Tools for the dissemination of regional geospatial information

    11:50 to 12:30
    • Pamela Castillo, UN-GGIM: Américas & Álvaro Monett, CEPAL/ECLAC
      Presentación Sitio web de UN-GGIM Américas / Presentation UN-GGIM: Americas Website
      Rolando Ocampo, CEPAL/ECLAC, Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Américas, Antonio Campuzano, IPGH & Horacio Castellaro, CEPAL/ECLA
      Lanzamiento Sitio Web IDE Américas / Presentation Website IDE Americas
  • Session 3: Regional Networking and Collaboration

    12:30 to 13:30

    Sergio Cimbaro, Vocal South America
    Introduction to the session

    • Valrie Grant, Red del Sector Privado de las Américas / Private Sector Network of the Americas
      Mapping the Future : The Private Sector Network’s Contribution to UN-GGIM Americas
      Rosario Casanova, Red Académica para las Américas / Academic Network for the Americas
      Academic Network UN-GGIM: Americas
      Antonio Campuzano, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia (IPGH) / Pan American Institute of Geography and History
      The Pan American Institute of Geography and History and its cooperation with various agencies of the Inter American System
      Eric Loubier, Centro Canadiense de Cartografía y Observación de la Tierra, Recursos Naturales de Canadá
      AI-Based On-Demand Mapping: A Future for Collaboration
      Céline Jacquin, Equipo Humanitario de OpenStreetMap / Openstreetmap's Humanitarian Team
      El futuro cartográfico es colectivo: los aportes de Openstreetmap a las cartografías oficiales / The cartographic future is collective: Openstreetmap's contributions to official cartographies
      Sergio Cimbaro, Vocal América del Sur/Vocal South America
      Cierre de la sesión / Closing the session
  • Session 4: Situation, needs and challenges of the Member States of the Regional Committee

    15:00 to 16:30
    • Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Américas
      - Status and challenges of UN-GGIM Americas, work plan (2021-2025)
      - Regional Dashboard Report
      » Moderador / Moderator: Leonardo Loureiro Silva, Vice President UN-GGIM: Americas / Vice President UN-GGIM: Americas
      - Country interventions: Questions
      Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Américas
      Resumen y palabras finales / Summary and final words

19 Oct 2023

  • Side-events

    08:30 to 14:40

    ၀ 08:30 – 09:50
    Conversation “Female leadership in the geospatial field"
    Organized by: UN-GGIM: Americas
    Language: English (no translation)

    ၀ 13:30 – 14:40
    CARIGEO Session 2: Advancing CARIGEO

    Organized by: CARIGEO
    Language: English (no translation)

  • Video dia 2

    10:00 to 18:00

    Décima sesión de UN-GGIM: Américas (19 octubre 2023)


  • UN-GGIM Arab States Intervention

    10:00 to 10:05

    Mohammad Almabrook, UN-GGIM: Arab States

  • Session 5: Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF) Forum

    10:05 to 11:40

    Gabriela García Seco, Vocal of North America
    Introduction to the session

    • Deirdre Dalpiaz Bishop, Co-presidenta del HLG-IGIF / Co-Chair of the HLG-IGIF
      The HLG-IGIF: Advancing the UN-IGIF to Address National and Regional Drivers for Change
      Isis Tejada, Coordinadora / Coordinator
      - Integrated Geospatial Information Framework Working Group for the Americas
      - Dashboard 2023 Survey Results - UN-GGIM: Americas
      John Kedar-CGeog, SDG Data Alliance
      Preparing UN-IGIF country-level action plans: the UN approach and the SDG Data Alliance
      Álvaro Monett, CEPAL / ECLAC
      Supporting the UN-IGIF implementation in the region
  •       Discussion Space "Advances and use cases in the Implementation of UN-IGIF"

    12:00 to 13:30
    • Luis Gerardo Esparza, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) de México
      The UN-IGIF in México: Progress and challenges in implementation
      Sergio Cimbaro, Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) de Argentina
      Implementation of the UN-IGIF in Argentina
      Isis Tejada, Instituto Geográfico Nacional “Tommy Guardia” (IGNTG) de Panamá
      Current status of the integrated geospatial information framework in Panama
      Marcathian Alexander, Departamento de Desarrollo Físico y Renovación Urbana de Santa Lucí
      The Saint Lucia Experience
      Gabriela García Seco, Vocal de Norteaméric
      Cierre de la sesión / Closing the session
  • Session 6: Global Statistical Geospatial Geospatial Framework (GSGF) Forum

    15:00 to 16:40

    Simone Lloyd, Vocal of Caribbean
    Introduction to the session

    • Claudio Stenner, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Brazil
      Why do we need to integrate geospatial and Statistical Information?
      Carlos Durán, Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) de Colombia
      Prospects for the integration of statistical and geospatial information in the Americas
      Álvaro Monett, CEPAL/ECLAC
      Supporting GSGF implementation in the Americas
  •       Discussion Space "Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Data for the Implementation of the GSGF"

    16:40 to 18:00
    • Luis Carlos Paniagua, Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos de Costa Rica
      Promotion in the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Data at INEC - Costa Rica
      Grissell Arias Tejeda, Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE) de República Dominicana
      Geostatistical Portal of the Dominican Republic and GSGF
      Andrés Ramírez, Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Paraguay
      Cartografía para el CNPV 2022 Paraguay
      Eric Loubier, Eric Loubier, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada
      Canada’s collaborative work to promote GSGF guidelines for integrating statistical and geospatial information
      Simone Lloyd, Vocal del Caribe
      Closing the session

20 Oct 2023

  • Side-events

    08:30 to 09:50

    ၀ 08:30 – 09:50
    Open Source for Geospatial Management in IGIF Implementation
    Organized by: GeoLibres
    Language: English (no translation)

  • Video dia 3

    10:00 to 16:30

    Décima sesión de UN-GGIM: Américas (20 octubre 2023)


  • Session 7: UN-GGIM: Americas Working Groups

    10:10 to 11:00

    Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Americas
    Introduction to the session

    • Gustavo Caubarrère y Salomão Soares, SIRGAS
      SIRGAS Challenges: Geodetic Reference Framework for the Americas (GRFA)
      Martha Villagómez, Ecuador y Therence Paoliello de Sarti, Brasil, Coordinadores del GT sobre Desastres para las Américas / Coordinators of WG on Disasters for the Americas
      Progress on goals of the disaster group work plan
      Raffaella Anilio, Grupo de Expertos de las Naciones Unidas en Administración y Ordenación de la Tierra / United Nations Group of Experts on Land Administration and Management
      Implementing the Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA): New Workplan and Developments
  • Session 8: Vocals

    12:00 to 13:15

    Moderadora/Moderator: Pamela Castillo, UN-GGIM Américas

  • Session 9: Closing

    15:00 to 16:30
    Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Americas
    Resolutions Tenth Session UN-GGIM: Americas
    Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Americas & Rolando Ocampo, ECLAC
    Closing remarks