First international workshop on operationalizing the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework
Jointly organized by the United Nations Secretariat for Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) and the Statistics Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), supported by the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas).
The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) provides a basis, a reference and a mechanism for countries when establishing or strengthening their national geospatial information management arrangements and related infrastructures, or to coordinate activities to achieve alignment between and across existing national capabilities and infrastructures. The Framework aims to translate high-level concepts to practical implementation guidance and does this by leveraging seven (7) underpinning principles, eight (8) goals and nine (9) strategic pathways as a means for governments to establish, improve and sustain more effective geospatial information management arrangements. The Implementation Guide provides the specific guidancStatistics Division of e and recommends actions to be taken by Member States to establish, improve or strengthen their national arrangements in geospatial information management, systems and infrastructures.
The 2030 Agenda recognizes that timely, available and accessible geospatial information, and integrated with statistics and other information, with combined analyses, are prerequisite for good policy-making and supporting and tracking development progress. However, there is still a lack of awareness, understanding and uptake of the vital and integrative role of geospatial information, particularly in developing countries.
This international workshop seeks to contribute to the strengthening of nationally integrated geospatial information management towards the producing, disseminating and applying of geospatial information for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will address the availability and accessibility of geospatial information, inter-alia, the data demands nationally and sub-nationally in support of national development and strategic priorities as well as for national implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is noted that this will require coordinated efforts at all levels including the integration of geospatial information, statistical data, and other information for measuring and monitoring progress, recognizing that all events, activities and decisions have a temporal and geographical context. The IGIF anchored by its nine strategic pathways, together with the Implementation Guide, provides Member States a mechanism for articulating and demonstrating national leadership in integrated geospatial information management, and the capacity to take positive steps.
- Raise awareness and improve knowledge and understanding on the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework - the Overarching Strategic Framework (IGIF Part I) and the Implementation Guide (IGIF Part II).
- Engage and consider the implementation guidance and recommended actions vis-à-vis national circumstances to establish or strengthen national arrangements in geospatial information management, infrastructures and capacities.
- Consider and work through a conceptual approach to operationalize the IGIF towards nationally integrated geospatial information management.
Participants are expected to be director generals, directors or senior level officials from Ministries, Agencies or Departments responsible for geospatial information management, survey and mapping for both terrestrial and marine environment. Participants are senior officials who need to address and improve the availability, accessibility and application of geospatial information nationally, and to realize vital and integrative role of geospatial information.
9 Sep 2019
Session 1: Welcome, introductions and setting the scene
09:30 to 13:00This segment of the international workshop will include welcome messages, announcements, self-introductions by all participants, and a series of presentations to set the scene for the 3 days, frame the context and structure of the meeting, and open general discussions.
- » Facilitador / Facilitator: Greg Scott, UN-GGIM▪ Palabras de bienvenida / Welcome remarksRolando Ocampo, Director de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / Director, Statistics Division of ECLACMacarena Perez, Vice Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / Vice President, UN-GGIM: Americas▪ Ronda de presentaciones de los participantes / Round of participants introductions▪ Anuncios / AnnouncementsAlvaro Monett, CEPAL / ECLACSeguridad, salud y medio ambiente; y anuncios domésticos / Safety, health and environment; and housekeeping announcementsGreg Scott, UN-GGIMPor qué estamos aquí – objetivo y organización del trabajo / Why are we here – objective and organization of work▪ Preparando la escena / Setting the SceneRolando Ocampo, CEPALUna visión para la gestión integrada de información geoespacial para América Latina y el Caribe / A vision for integrated geospatial information management for Latin America and the CaribbeanGreg Scott, UN-GGIMTowards nationally integrated geospatial information management for evidence-based policies and decisions for the wellbeing of people and planetMacarena Pérez, Coordinadora Grupo de Trabajo sobre Infraestructuras de Datos Geoespaciales UN-GGIM Américas / Chair, UN-GGIM: Americas Working Group on Geospatial Data InfrastructuresUN-GGIM: Americas Working Group on Geospatial Data InfrastructuresDaniel Taccari, CEPAL / ECLACIniciativa de asistencia técnica geoespacial de la CEPAL para América Latina y el CaribeAlvaro Monett, CEPAL / ECLACLas actividades de la CEPAL para fortalecer la gestión de la información geoespacial nacional, incluidas las actividades geoestadísticas para América Latina y el CaribeGreg Scott, UN-GGIMThe Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Part 1 – The Overarching Strategic Framework
Session 2: The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Overarching Strategic Framework - improving and strengthening national geospatial information management capacities
14:30 to 18:00This segment will consider the continuing development, strengthening and coordination of national arrangements in geospatial information management, including building upon investments and infrastructures for national spatial data and re-purposing NSDI initiatives towards nationally integrated geospatial information management. The session will involve group work and activities.
- » Facilitatora / Facilitator: Macarena Perez, Vice President, UN-GGIM: Americas / Vice President, UN-GGIM: Americas▪ Arreglos nacionales en la gestión de la información geoespacial | infraestructuras nacionales de datos espaciales / National arrangements in geospatial information management | national spatial dataSistema Nacional de Coordinación de Información Territorial (SNIT) - Infraestructura de Datos Geoespaciales (IDE) de ChileInfraestructura de Datos Geoespaciales de ChileJuan Arturo García Masó, Oficina Nacional de Hidrografía y Geodesia de CubaSituación, perspectivas, desafíos y oportunidades en el desarrollo de las infraestructuras de datos espacialesGuyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC)National spatial data infrastructure of GuyanaInstituto Geográfico Nacional "Tommy Guardia" de PanamáInfraestructura panameña de datos espaciales (IPDE)María Eugenia Duarte, Dirección del Servicio Geográfico Militar de ParaguayProyecto de infraestructura de datos geoespaciales de la República del Paraguay (IDE-PY)Alejandro Jiménez, Instituto Geográfico Nacional "José Joaquín Hungría Morell" (IGN-JJHM)Avances en la implementación de la infraestructura de datos espaciales de la República DominicanaPablo Brugnoni, Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de UruguaySituación, perspectivas, desafíos y oportunidades de la IDE UruguayGreg Scott, Secretaría UN-GGIMIntegrated Geospatial Information Framework - improving and strengthening NSDIs and geospatial information management capacities▪ Actividades grupales / Break-out Group Activities
10 Sep 2019
Session 3: Operationalizing the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Implementation Guide
09:30 to 13:00This will be an interactive segment to consider the purpose and intent of the Implementation Guide along its three influences – governance, technology and people and ‘solving the puzzle’. Participants will discuss the 9 Strategic Pathways and their elements, and the guidance and recommended actions aligned with the Strategic Pathways.
- » Facilitador / Facilitator: Alejandro Jiménez, Instituto Geográfico Nacional de República Dominicana / National Geographic Institute, Dominican RepublicGreg Scott, UN-GGIMThe Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Part 2 – Implementation GuideDavid Cole, Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC)The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Implementation in Guyana
Session 4: The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Bridging the geospatial digital divide
14:30 to 18:00The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework was developed as a basis, guide and mechanism for developing, integrating and strengthening geospatial information management, and to assist countries in bridging the geospatial digital divide, secure socio-economic prosperity, and to leave no one behind.
- » Facilitadora / Facilitator: Yidda Handal, Coordinadora Nacional del Catastro, Sistema Nacional de Administración de la Propiedad (SINAP) / National Coordinator for Cadaster, National Property Administration System (SINAP), Honduras▪ Arreglos nacionales en la gestión de la IG: transformación digital y reducción de la brecha digital geoespacial / National arrangements in GI management: digital transformation and bridging the geospatial digital divideInstituto Geográfico Nacional de Costa RicaInteroperabilidad en el ámbito geoespacialInstituto Geográfico Militar de EcuadorSituación, perspectivas, desafíos y oportunidades para la transformación digital y la reducción de la brecha digital en el ámbito geoespacial: Caso EcuadorInstituto de la Propiedad de HondurasNational Property Administration System (SINAP)INEGI de MéxicoSituación, perspectivas, desafíos y oportunidades para la transformación digital en el ámbito geoespacial: MéxicoSituation, perspectives, challenges and opportunities to digital transformation in geospatial scope: MexicoInstituto Geográfico Nacional de PerúInfraestructura de datos espacialesInstituto Geográfico Militar de UruguayEl Marco Integrado de Información Geoespacial: Reduciendo la brecha digital geoespacial: UruguayMinisterio del Poder Popular de Planificación de VenezuelaSituación, perspectivas, desafíos y oportunidades en Venezuela para la transformación digital y la reducción de la brecha digital en el ámbito geoespacialGreg Scott, UN-GGIMIntegrated Geospatial Information Framework: Bridging the geospatial digital divide▪ Actividades grupales / Break-out Group Activities
11 Sep 2019
Session 5; Implementing the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework: Country-level Action Plans
09:30 to 18:00Country-level Action Plans seek to implement the IGIF at a country level, in a national or a sub-national context, taking into consideration national circumstances and development priorities. They provide the ‘how, when and by whom’ the actions and processes will be carried out in implementing the Framework. Country-level Action Plans reference the specific guidance, options and actions provided in the Implementation Guide and address each of the 9 Strategic Pathways to capture strategic to operational needs of a country when implementing the Framework.
- » Facilitador / Facilitator: Sergio Carrera, INEGI, MéxicoGreg Scott, UN-GGIMThe Integrated Geospatial Information Framework and its Country-level Action Plans▪ Actividades grupales / Break-out Group Activities
Session 6: The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework – where to from here!
14:30 to 17:30This Framework, implemented at the national level, will assist countries to move towards e-economies, improve services to citizens, develop capacity for applying geospatial technology, enhance informed government decision-making processes, take practical actions to achieve a digital transformation, and be able to bridge the geospatial digital divide in the implementation of national strategic and development priorities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- » Facilitadores / Facilitators: Greg Scott, UN-GGIM & Alvaro Monett, CEPAL/ECLAC▪ Actividades grupales / Break-out Group Activities1) Discusión sobre las formas en que el IGIF puede ser mejor aprovechado y utilizado en el futuro dentro de las actividades de la CEPAL y UN-GGIM Américas1) Discussion on ways that the IGIF can be best leveraged and used in the future within the activities of ECLAC and UN-GGIM Americas2) Cada país considere cómo podría diseñar, implementar, administrar y mantener su propia Estrategia Integrada de Gestión de Información Geoespacial a través de un Plan de Acción a nivel de país2) Each country to consider how it might design, implement, manage and sustain their own Integrated Geospatial Information Management Strategy through a Country-level Action Plan▪ Consolidación, próximos pasos y cierre / Consolidation, next steps and close- Ronda de observaciones y comentarios / Round of observations and comments▪ Palabras de clausura / Closing remarksMacarena Perez, Vice Presidenta, UN-GGIM: Américas / Vice President, UN-GGIM: AmericasDaniel Taccari, CEPAL / ECLAC