The Hummingbird Vol. 7 No. 10

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The Hummingbird Vol. 7 No. 10

  • Publicación autor corporativo (Autor institucional): CDCC
  • Descripción física: 20 páginas.
  • Editorial: ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
  • Fecha: Octubre 1, 2020

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  • The United Nations’ relevance today: an historical perspective. -- ECLAC in the Caribbean. -- COVID-19 in the Caribbean. -- Nobel Peace Prize 2020: World Food Programme wins for efforts to combat hunger. -- UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago: Through the Eyes of its First Employee. -- Government of Jamaica to invest in textbooks, ebooks and apps.

Sedes subregionales y oficinas:

Subregional Headquarters, Port of Spain