Symposium on Mainstreaming Gender in Water Resources Management, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies in the Caribbean
26 Nov-26 Dic 2019
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
09:00 a 17:3009:30 am -11:00 am - Session I: Mainstreaming gender in integrated water resources management (IWRM), climate change and disaster risk reduction policies in the Caribbean
Paper on mainstreaming of gender in water resources management, climate change and disaster risk reduction policies in the Caribbean,
Patricia B. Mendoza, Consultant (15 minutes)
Paper on mainstreaming gender in climate change and disaster risk reduction policies, plans and programmes in the Caribbean,
Catarina Camarinhas, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC (10 minutes)
Panel presentation (30 minutes)
Samuel Abdias, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Michelle Mycoo, University of the West Indies
Aurora Noguera-Ramkissoon, UNFPA
Discussion (30 minutes)
- Aurora Noguera-Ramkissoon, UNFPAUNFPA - Mainstreaming GenderCatarina Camarinhas, Social Affairs Officer, ECLACECLAC - Mainstreaming GenderPatricia B. Mendoza, ConsultantCARICOM - Mainstreaming GenderMichelle Mycoo, University of the West IndiesUWI - Mainstreaming Gender
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
09:00 a 17:301:00 pm – 2:30 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm - Session III: Challenges and opportunities mainstreaming gender in IWRM for DRR in the Caribbean
Panel presentation (60 minutes)
Nicole O. Caesar, Technical Specialist, UNEP Jamaica
Sharing of national experiences
Alvah Guishard, National Office, Disaster Services, Antigua and Barbuda
Peter Clarke, Managing Director, Water Resources Authority, Jamaica
Terry Ince, Committee of Trinidad and Tobago Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Discussion (30 minutes)
- Gabrielle Lee Look - Communications Officer, GWP-CVoices from the fieldMarie Aleman, Chair, Big Falls Water Board, BelizePotable Water in BelizeMarilyn Crichlow, Regional Water Resources Expert, Trinidad and TobagoIWRM Diagram
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
09:00 a 17:302:30 pm – 4:00 pm - Session III: Challenges and opportunities mainstreaming gender in IWRM for DRR in the Caribbean
Panel presentation (60 minutes)
Nicole O. Caesar, Technical Specialist, UNEP Jamaica
Sharing of national experiences
Alvah Guishard, National Office, Disaster Services, Antigua and Barbuda
Peter Clarke, Managing Director, Water Resources Authority, Jamaica
Terry Ince, Committee of Trinidad and Tobago Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Discussion (30 minutes)
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm - Coffee break
- Alvah Guishard, National Office, Disaster Services, Antigua and BarbudaIWRM Disaster Mangemnet gender aspects Antigua and BarbudaNicole O. Caesar, Technical Specialist, UNEP JamaicaGEF IWEco Project – Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM for DRRPeter Clarke, Managing Director, Water Resources Authority, JamaicaGender Mainstreaming Symposium
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
09:00 a 17:304:15 pm – 5:30 pm - Session IV: Raising awareness, advocacy and the media
Panel presentation (30 minutes)
Gabrielle Lee Look, Global Water Partnership-Caribbean,
Trinidad and Tobago
The Bahamas, Department of Gender and Family Affairs (tbc)
Ms. Lesley-Ann Blackburn, Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management, Trinidad and Tobago
Discussion (15 minutes)
- Allicia Rolle, Gender Officer, Department of Gender and Family Affairs, Bahamas.Raising Awareness, advocacy and the media
27 Nov 2019
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
09:00 a 16:009:00 am – 10:00 am - Session V: Achieving coherent implementation of policies as related to Gender, IWRM and DRR
Panel presentation (30 minutes)
Amrikha Singh, Programme Manager, Sustainable Development, CARICOM Secretariat, Guyana
Tennielle Cheryl Williams, Principal Hydrologist, National Hydrological Service, Ministry of Natural Resources, Belize
Janey Joseph, Director, Gender Relations Ag., Department of Education, Innovation and Gender Relation, Saint Lucia
Discussion (30 minutes)
- Janey Joseph – Director (AG), Gender relations department, Saint LuciaPresentation for Symposium on Mainstreaming Gender in Water Resources Management
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
09:00 a 16:0010:00 am – 11:00 am - Session VI: Data indicators for integrating gender policies in IWRM and DRR
Panel presentation (50 minutes)
Lilly Adel, Manager, Gender Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Social Protection, Guyana
The Bahamas, Department of Gender and Family Affairs (tbc)
Nicole O. Caesar, UNEP Jamaica
Luciana Fontes de Meira, Associate Environmental Affairs Officer, ECLAC
Discussion (10 minutes)
11:00 am – 11:15 am - Coffee break
11:15 am – 1:00 pm - Session VII: Mainstreaming environmental issues in CARICOM’s draft gender equality strategy
Presentation and discussion
Ann‑Marie Williams, Deputy Programme Manager, Gender and Development, Human and Social Development, CARICOM Secretariat (30 minutes)
Working group sessions (45 minutes)
Working group 1: Gender and IWRM
Working group 2: Gender and DRR
Presentation and discussions (30 minutes)
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm - Session VIII: Considerations of amendments to mainstream IWRM and DRR in the CARICOM draft gender equality strategy
Discussion led by the CARICOM representative and taking into account working groups comments
3:30 pm – 3:45 pm - Coffee break
3:45 pm – 4:15 pm - Session IX: Presentation of recommendations
Presentation: ECLAC
Discussion led by Co-chair
4:15 pm – 4:30 pm - Closing
- Luciana Fontes de Meira, ECLACMainstreaming Gender in Disaster AssessmentsTorree MusgroveData Indicators: Gender Mainstreaming
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
09:00 a 16:002:30 pm – 3:30 pm - Session VIII: Considerations of amendments to mainstream IWRM and DRR in the CARICOM draft gender equality strategy
Discussion led by the CARICOM representative and taking into account working groups comments
3:30 pm – 3:45 pm - Coffee break
3:45 pm – 4:15 pm - Session IX: Presentation of recommendations
Presentation: ECLAC
Discussion led by Co-chair
4:15 pm – 4:30 pm - Closing
- Ann-Marie Williams, Deputy Programme Manager, Gender and Development, CARICOMDraft CARICOM Gender Equality Strategy