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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 61 to 80 of 729 results in 37 pages.
Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Partenio, Florencia

En este documento se analizan las formas de endeudamiento en los hogares de las mujeres de clases populares en la Argentina, asociado al aumento y...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Bárcena Ibarra, Alicia

This essay summarizes the main lines of analysis, policy proposals and actions in favour of sustainable development in Latin America and the...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Valenzuela, Juan Pablo
  • Yáñez, Natalia

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the data show an extraordinary increase in access to higher education programmes. However, many population...

Publication cover
July 2022 |
  • Cosacov, Natalia

En este documento se aborda el impacto de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) en los cuidados y en el endeudamiento de los...

Publication cover
June 2022 |
  • Holz, Raúl
  • Huepe, Mariana
  • Rangel, Marta

La desigualdad étnico-racial continúa siendo un rasgo estructural de las sociedades latinoamericanas y una de sus manifestaciones más evidentes se...

Publication cover
June 2022 |
  • Gutiérrez, Elsa

El presente documento contiene la información más reciente disponible sobre las principales variables demográficas, sociales, socioeconómicas, y...

Publication cover
June 2022 |

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a profound and multidimensional impact on the population. Latin America and the Caribbean,...

Publication cover
June 2022 |
  • Bercovich, Néstor
  • Muñoz, Macarena

La incorporación de nuevas tecnologías, acelerada por la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), ofrece posibilidades transformadoras y...

Publication cover
June 2022 |
  • Vaca-Trigo, Iliana
  • Valenzuela, María Elena

A pesar del potencial de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible y la igualdad de...

Publication cover
June 2022 |
  • Velásquez, Adriana M.

En este documento se ofrece un diagnóstico de las principales brechas de bienestar en Guatemala en el siglo XXI, asociadas a cuatro ejes...

Publication cover
June 2022 |
  • Cid, Camilo
  • Marinho, María Luisa

A dos años de que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declarara la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), los países de América...

Publication cover
May 2022 |

Considering that it is imperative to provide reliable, comprehensive and timely data that serve as a basis to determine the priorities of national...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Maldonado Valera, Carlos
  • Marinho, María Luisa
  • Robles, Claudia
  • Tromben, Varinia

What holds societies together? What identifies people and motivates them to live together voluntarily without the need for constant external...

Publication cover
April 2022 |

This document contains a report on the term in office of Alicia Bárcena as Executive Secretary of ECLAC (2008–2022), by area of work of the...

Publication cover
April 2022 |
  • Acosta, Felicitas

One of the main objectives of this series of studies on the diversification of secondary education and educational segmentation in Latin America...

Publication cover
March 2022 |
  • Salazar-Xirinachs, José Manuel

En este informe se presentan los devastadores efectos de la pandemia en la economía y el mercado laboral de la región a corto y mediano plazo. El...

Publication cover
March 2022 |
  • Cuccaro, Laura Muriel
  • Sangiácomo, Máximo
  • Tumini, Lucía

La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) ha tenido un impacto diferenciado en las mujeres y ha profundizado los problemas...

Publication cover
January 2022 |

The 2021 edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America examines the social impact of the crisis prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic and provides...

Publication cover
March 2022 |

For the fifth time, the countries of the region are convening in the framework of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on...

Publication cover
March 2022 |
  • Abramo, Laís

The phenomenon of informality in Latin America is strongly conditioned by the main structural axes of the social inequality matrix. It is a...