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24 Dec 2024

Briefing note

Boletín de la CEPAL destaca el rol de los minerales críticos de la región para un modelo de extracción más productivo, inclusivo y sostenible

El Boletín “Minerales críticos para la transición energética y la electromovilidad: oportunidades para el desarrollo económico con desafíos socioambientales” ofrece una revisión de las oportunidades y los desafíos para América Latina en torno a la creciente demanda global de los minerales críticos requeridos para la transición energética y la electromovilidad, con el objetivo de promover el debate sobre el papel de los metales y minerales para un modelo de desarrollo más productivo, inclusivo y sostenible, alineado con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

23 Dec 2024

Briefing note

Advances in the ROSA Project: Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability - Year 2: April 2024 - January 2025

Since its inception, the ROSA Project (Regional Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability) has been tasked with addressing the so-called "water and sanitation crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean." One of its main strategies has been to contribute to accelerating the achievement of SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). However, the region generally lacks reliable statistics and information on water management, governance, and environmental aspects. Additionally, there is fragmentation of existing information across various national institutions, as well as unequal capacities among countries to report on sustainable water resource management indicators. Consequently, the main objective of the ROSA Project has been to strengthen the capacities of countries in the region to generate and use timely, reliable, and standardized information to promote effective policies and instruments for sustainable water management in a changing environment amid the challenges of climate change.

Data and statistics

Extracción sectorial de agua
Extracción sectorial de agua