CDCC - Twenty-Five Years of Cooperation and Development: 1975-2000

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CDCC - Twenty-Five Years of Cooperation and Development: 1975-2000

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Descripción física: 34 páginas.

Editorial: ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean


Marzo 1, 2000

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  • Message from the Director. -- CDCC 25th Anniversary. -- Disaster Mission to Anguilla. -- Planners online network. -- A review of social development in the Caribbean in the Nineties. -- FTAA workshops. -- National Information Systems. -- Population Conference. -- Gender Mainstreaming Conference. -- Book: The Caribbean in the decade of the Nineties. -- ECLAC publications - Abstracts. -- ECLAC publications - Documents.

Sedes subregionales y oficinas:

Subregional Headquarters, Port of Spain