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Fotografía de los principales panelistas en la mesa de la Sala Celso Furtado de la CEPAL
5 September 2024 | News
At a high-level seminar, specialists and academics from numerous countries debated about the first edition of the organization’s flagship publication “Panorama of Productive Development Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean 2024.”
foto de los participantes en el conversatorio
2 September 2024 | News
The annual meeting fosters dialogue and partnerships among National Statistical Offices (NSO), Machineries for the Advancement of Women (MAW), public agencies, civil society organizations, academia, and international organizations.
foto de los participantes en el conversatorio
28 August 2024 | News
Representatives from universities, academic networks, governments, civil society especially women’s and feminist organizations—and international organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean will participate in this regional space for exchange and dialogue on the research agenda necessary to address the challenges of care policies in the region.
Photo of the main panel
27 August 2024 | News
The event, held in the framework of the twenty-third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, sought to contribute to planning and preparing the 2030 censuses.
Banner of the publication.
20 August 2024 | News
The biannual publication, which has been published for more than 50 years, is launched in June and December.
Photo of the meeting
9 August 2024 | News
ECLAC’s most important biennial gathering will take place on October 8-11, 2024 in Lima.
Photograph of the participants.
7 August 2024 | News
At a seminar organized by ECLAC and China’s Embassy in Chile, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, stressed the importance of the strategic and historical relationship between the region and the Asian country.
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during his presentation.
29 July 2024 | News
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs represented the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, at Brazil’s National Conference of Data Producers and Users.
Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL hablando en el podio
22 July 2024 | News
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs gave a keynote lecture at Casa de América in Madrid on the exclusive 75th anniversary issue of the organization’s main academic publication.
flyer event
19 July 2024 | News
During the event, which featured remarks by Executive Secretary José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the first document prepared by the United Nations system to amplify the promotion of comprehensive care systems was launched.
ECLAC Executive Secretary José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs participated in the HLPF 2024.
17 July 2024 | News
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, actively participated in various of the global forum’s events held at the United Nations headquarters, sharing his vision for moving towards a more productive, inclusive and sustainable development model.
Banner seminario Macroeconomía y Género
12 July 2024 | News
The gathering in Montevideo, organized by ECLAC, UNDP and UDELAR, featured a keynote lecture by Professor Özlem Onaran of the University of Greenwich (United Kingdom).
Banner seminario Finanzas para la Biodiversidad
12 July 2024 | News
Seminar held in Bogotá, organized by ECLAC, the IDB and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia.
Imagine a world without islands banner
11 July 2024 | News
The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) was held in Antigua and Barbuda, on 27 May to 30 May 2024.
Banner Boletín Comercio Exterior No. 7
5 July 2024 | News
A new edition of the bloc’s Foreign Trade Bulletin, prepared by ECLAC, indicates that the challenges for 2024 will be linked to low dynamism in global demand and the downward trend in prices, amid persistently high interest rates.
foto de los participantes en el evento
2 July 2024 | News
The 30th International Input-Output Association Conference and the 12th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis are taking place in Chile on July 2-5.
Meeting banner.
30 June 2024 | News
The event’s main panels will be transmitted live from July 3 to July 4, 2024. The invitation on social media is to participate in the debates using the hashtags #poblaciónALC and #populationLAC.
Meeting banner.
28 June 2024 | News
On July 3-4 in Cartagena de Indias, this intergovernmental event will bring together authorities from Latin American and Caribbean countries, representatives of regional and international organizations, and members of civil society.
foto de los participantes en el conversatorio
27 June 2024 | News
Today marked the end of the Fourth Regional Seminar on Social Development organized by ECLAC, in which authorities and specialists analyzed the links between social protection and inequality.
