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Authorities from Peru and ECLAC Meet with Ambassadors to Share Details on the Regional Organization’s Fortieth Session

9 August 2024|News

ECLAC’s most important biennial gathering will take place on October 8-11, 2024 in Lima.


Fotografía de la reunión.
De derecha a izquireda, Luis Fidel Yáñez, Secretario de la Comisión de la CEPAL; María Eugenia Echeverría, Directora General para Asuntos Económicos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú, y Carlos Daniel Chávez-Taffur, funcionario responsable ante el Estado peruano de la realización del Cuadragésimo periodo de sesiones de la CEPAL. Foto: Gentileza Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú.
Foto: Gentileza Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú.

Authorities from the Peruvian government and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) held an informational meeting today with representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Lima to share details regarding the Fortieth Session of ECLAC, the United Nations regional organization’s most important biennial gathering, which will be held on October 8-11 in Peru’s capital.

The meeting was led by Ambassador María Eugenia Echeverría, Director-General for Economic Affairs at Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador Carlos Daniel Chávez-Taffur, the Peruvian state official responsible for carrying out ECLAC’s Fortieth Session.

Participating on behalf of ECLAC was the Secretary of the Commission, Luis Fidel Yáñez, who reported on the progress being made to prepare for the regional Commission’s most important intergovernmental conference.

At this event, countries will have the opportunity to debate about the region’s economic, social and environmental development, to review the activities carried out by ECLAC during the previous biennium, and to set the priorities for its programme of work over the next two years.

The gathering will mark the start of Peru’s term as Chair of ECLAC, which will extend until the next session (in 2026), along with the end of the current term being held by Argentina (since it hosted the 39th session, which took place in Buenos Aires in 2022).

In addition, in accordance with established practice for the sessions, ECLAC’s Secretariat will present a position document entitled Development Traps in Latin America and the Caribbean: Vital Transformations and How to Manage Them, which seeks to motivate an analysis of the main development challenges facing the region’s countries.

At the end of the informational meeting, the members of the diplomatic corps expressed gratitude for the gathering along with their intention to keep strengthening spaces for regional cooperation.

In its role as Secretariat, and with the aim of ensuring that everyone has information regarding the meeting’s organization and logistics, ECLAC has contemplated a second such gathering – this time with the diplomatic corps accredited in Chile – scheduled for Tuesday, August 13.