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Photo of the main panel
27 August 2024 | News
The event, held in the framework of the twenty-third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, sought to contribute to planning and preparing the 2030 censuses.
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during his presentation.
29 July 2024 | News
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs represented the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, at Brazil’s National Conference of Data Producers and Users.
Image of the CEPALGEO portal
25 September 2023 | News
The portal presents geographic viewers, geoservices and links to ECLAC’s projects involving a territorial perspective on various social, economic and environmental issues.
Fotografía de los asistentes a la Conferencia. Sala Celso Furtado de la CEPAL.
25 September 2023 | News
Authorities from National Statistical Offices issued a statement in the framework of the 12th Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
Image of Portal of Inequalities in Latin America
25 September 2023 | News
The platform uses graphics to clearly visualize the existing gaps and texts that describe the construction of the indicators, their interpretation and the results they yield.
Meeting banner.
22 September 2023 | News
The main panels at the meeting will be broadcast live on September 26-28, 2023. The invitation, on social media, is to participate in the debates using the hashtags #estadísticasALC and #statisticsLAC.
Generic image on statistics.
3 May 2023 | News
The twenty-second meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA) is taking place virtually through Thursday, May 4.
foto de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
10 March 2023 | News
The accord between the United Nations regional organization and the Statistical Authority of the European Union was finalized during a virtual ceremony.
Photo of the meeting
25 August 2022 | News
Representatives of Latin American and Caribbean countries concluded the twenty-first meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
banner del evento
5 July 2022 | News
On June 21-22, an international seminar took place in Port-au-Prince with the aim of addressing the Caribbean country’s implementation of the National Policy for Social Protection and Promotion.
9 April 2021 | News
Representatives of Latin American and Caribbean countries concluded the twentieth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during her presentation.
10 September 2020 | News
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, gave a keynote address in the framework of the 7th Session of the UN-GGIM: Americas, where she stressed the importance of integrating statistical and geospatial information in the region.
27 August 2020 | News
Representatives from the region’s countries concluded today the nineteenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
22 January 2020 | News
A new policy brief from ECLAC Caribbean highlights areas of consideration for policy makers to ensure that official statistics produced by Caribbean countries are of the highest quality and in conformity with international standards.
Closing session of the tenth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
21 November 2019 | News
The tenth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC concluded today in Santiago, Chile.
8 July 2019 | News
The selected research will be presented at a seminar that will take place at the United Nations regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile on August 26-27.
4 April 2019 | News
ECLAC and UNFPA, in collaboration with CARICOM, will deliver a four-day workshop on census planning, management and implementation in Kingston, Jamaica.
Panorámica de la sala durante la inauguración del seminario.
1 October 2018 | News
The high-level seminar precedes the XVII Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas, to be held on October 3-4 at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL (parada a la izquierda), encabezó la inauguración del seminario en el marco de la Novena Reunión de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas (CEA).
14 November 2017 | News
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, led the inauguration of a seminar on the issue in the framework of the Ninth Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas, which is being held in Mexico.
El evento de alto nivel se realizó en el marco del 72 período de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU en Nueva York.
19 September 2017 | News
Alicia Bárcena, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, spoke at a high-level event on the use of data and technology that was held in the framework of the UN General Assembly’s 72nd session.