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Workshop: Support programs to promote the participation of SMEs in cross-border e-commerce

22 March 2024|Event


Support programs to promote the participation of SMEs in cross-border e-commerce

Date: Friday, March 22, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Chile time

Hybrid workshop: Celso Furtado Room, ECLAC and online

1. Background

From the last quarter of 2022 to the first quarter of 2024, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), implemented the project “Support the strengthening of policies to monitor and promote the participation of MSMEs in cross-border goods and services e-commerce for an inclusive and sustainable pandemic response and recovery in East Asia and Latin America” with the support of the Latin American and East Asian Cooperation Forum (FEALAC). Within the framework of this project, several studies have been carried out that seek to deepen knowledge on three topics: the opportunities and challenges that SMEs that participate in cross-border electronic commerce must face; support programs to promote the participation of SMEs in cross-border e-commerce; and the stages and processes in cross-border electronic commerce operations. Some of these activities were implemented with the Ibero-American Network of export promotion and investment attraction entities (Red Ibero).

2. Objectives

This hybrid workshop seeks, based on the learning and findings obtained from the studies and the participation of experts and government representatives, to meet the following objectives:

  • Inquire into the main trends in cross-border electronic commerce;

  • Know the opportunities and challenges of SMEs in cross-border electronic commerce of goods and services in general and of companies led by women in particular;

  • Compare the support programs of trade promotion organizations to support SMEs for their sales on international platforms (marketplaces);

  • Learn about the main stages and procedures of cross-border operations in electronic commerce.

3. Registration

To participate in the workshop:

  • In person: register here.

  • Virtually: register here. After your registration, you will receive the link to the meeting.

Agenda is attached