Holistic Approaches for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region



This international event is co-organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This event is based on effective collaboration and partnership among different UN entities and relevant government institutions in line with the spirit of the 2030 Agenda.

Event information



Event type

Other events


By invitation

The objective of this Learning Conference is to provide a space for practical learning and the exchange of knowledge and experiences among government representatives involved in the process of integrating the SDGs in their countries’ national development plans and budgets. It will also offer a platform to learn about the “best fit” mechanisms and practices to promote a “whole of government” and “whole of society” approach towards the planning and budgeting of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at national and international levels utilizing also the experiences and lessons learned from Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). Further, it will explore the experience of countries in the Caribbean that have used Voluntary National Reviews to the High-Level Political Forum as a means to advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the national level. The event will have an interdisciplinary character and will involve multiple stakeholders.


  • Opening Plenary
  • Session 1: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean
  • Session 2: Mobilizing public institutions for a holistic implementation of the 2030 Agenda
  • Session 3: Policy coherence in Caribbean countries for effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda


  • Session 4: Integrating the Small Island Developing States Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA Pathway), the Sendai Framework, the Paris Agreement, and the 2030 Agenda into the Caribbean Sustainable Development Agenda
  • Session 5: Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships for Sustainable Development
  • Session 6: Effective monitoring and evaluation of SDG progress
  • Session 7: Capacity-building for sustainable development
  • Closing Plenary


Programme of work

May 15, 2019

Opening Plenary

05:00 - 05:45
  • Inaugural Ceremony
  • Introduction of participants and group photo
May 15, 2019

Session 1: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean

05:45 - 08:00
  • Status of the 2030 Agenda implementation in the Caribbean
  • Key messages from UN DESA’s Symposium on “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SAMOA Pathway in Small Island Developing States: Equipping Public Institutions and Mobilizing Partnerships”, Bahamas, 2017
  • Regional approaches to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and SAMOA Pathway National perspectives and experiences in localizing the 2030 Agenda
  • Interactive Dialogue
  • Coffee Break


Diane Quarless

Status of the 2030 Agenda implementation in the Caribbean

Jocelyne Croes

SDGs Implementation Timeline Aruba – A MAPS Based Approach

Rochelle Whyte

Localising Agenda 2030 - Jamaica’s Experience

May 15, 2019

Session 2: Mobilizing public institutions for a holistic implementation of the 2030 Agenda

08:00 - 11:00
  • Institutional arrangements for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
  • Interactive Learning session: “From single interest to shared purpose: The Whole-of- government Approach” (1st part)
  • Lunch break
  • Interactive Learning session: “From single interest to shared purpose: The Whole-of- Government Approach” (2nd part)


Adriana Alberti

Building Institutional Capacity to Implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals

Dana Abu-Nasrah

From Single Interest to Shared Purpose – Design Thinking

May 15, 2019

Session 3: Policy coherence in Caribbean countries for effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda

11:00 - 13:45
  • The 2019 Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development and its Sub-regional Consultations in support of policy coherence
  • Achieving policy coherence in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda: What does it take?
  • Interactive Learning session: knowledge-sharing of innovative practices on ensuring policy coherence
  1. National perspectives and experiences on development planning and policy coherence Presentations from Caribbean country representatives
  2. Financing for Development and Public Expenditure Review
  • Coffee break
  • Interactive Learning session: National perspectives and experiences on development planning and policy coherence
  1. Panel discussion among VNR Caribbean country representatives
  2. Interactive Dialogue


María Ortiz Pérez

The Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development

Veronique Verbruggen

Policy and institutional coherence: what does it take?

Dillon Alleyne

Public Expenditure Reviews What they are and what to expect

Kyra Paul

Ongoing Alignment process of the National Resilience Development strategy and sector plans development in Dominica

May 16, 2019

Session 4: Strategic positioning of the sustainable development agendas in the Caribbean

05:00 - 06:45
  • Advancing Caribbean Sustainable Development.
  • Towards the High-level SAMOA Pathway Mid-Term Review: opportunities and challenges
  • Chairperson: Ms. Maria Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, UN DESA
  • Presenters:
  1. Ms. Anya Thomas, Economic Affairs Officer, SIDS Unit, Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG), UN DESA
  2. Ms. Artie Dubrie, Sustainable Development Officer, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
  • Moderator: Ms. Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
  • Supporting policy coherence across Caribbean SIDS Sustainable Development agendas: The Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee- Regional Coordinating Mechanism (CDCC-RCM) Revisited and Repositioned
  • Discussants:
  1. Ms. Amrikha Singh, Programme Manager, Sustainable Development, CARICOM Secretariat
  2. Mr. Travis Sinckler, Senior Environment Officer, Ministry of the Environment and National Beautification, Barbados
  3. Mr. Peter Mitchell, Director, Project Planning and Reconstruction, Ministry of Planning and Development, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Interactive Dialogue
  • Coffee Break


Anya Thomas

Towards the SAMOA Pathway Mid-Term Review: Challenges & Opportunities

Artie Dubrie

Holistic Approaches for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region

May 16, 2019

Session 5: Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships for Sustainable Development

06:45 - 07:30
  • Institutionalizing stakeholder engagement
  1. Mr. Keping Yao, Governance and Public Administration Expert, DPIDG-UNPOG, UN DESA
  • Interactive learning session: Strengthening institutions and creating an enabling environment for effective stakeholder engagement and people centered development
  • Moderator: Mr. Alex Mejia, Director, Division for People and Social Inclusion, UNITAR
  • Discussants:
  1. Dr. Ainka Granderson, Senior Technical Officer, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute
  2. Ms. Curmira Gulston, National Coordinator, Caribbean Youth Environment Network, Trinidad and Tobago
  3. Mrs. Catalina Garcia, Global Director Corporate Affairs, AB InBev

Interactive Dialogue


Keping Yao

Institutionalizing Stakeholder Engagement

Ainka Granderson

Enhancing Civil Society’s role in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

Catalina Garcia

We are building a company to last for the next 100+ years

Curmira Gulston

Strengthening institutions and creating an enabling environment for effective stakeholder engagement and people centered development

May 16, 2019

Session 6: Effective monitoring and evaluation of SDG progress

07:30 - 10:30
  • Gaps, issues and challenges in the Caribbean for monitoring progress on the SDGs
  • Monitoring progress on the SDGs at the national level: the perspective of the National Statistical Offices
  • National perspectives on monitoring progress on the SDGs and the SAMOA pathway in the Caribbean
  • Moderator: Mr. Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Coordinator, Statistics and Social Development Unit, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
  • Discussants:
  1. Ms. Lori-Rae Alleyne-Franklin, Chief Statistician, Statistics Department, Anguilla
  2. Ms. Jocelyne Croes, Special Advisor on Multilateral Affairs and Chair, National Aruba SDG Commission, Aruba
  3. Ms. Najan Christopher, Director (Ag.), Office of the Premier, The British Virgin Islands
  4. Mr. Josefo Seniwaitui Navuku, Commissioner Central Division, Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development, Fiji
  5. Ms. Hope Perkins, Research Officer, Statistical Institute of Jamaica
  6. Ms. Lucill Starke Esajas, Senior Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Suriname • Ms. Sabrina Williams, Deputy Chief Statistician, Department of Statistics, Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Interactive Dialogue
  • Moderator: Mr. Alex Mejia, Director, Division for People and Social Inclusion, UNITAR
  • Discussants:
  1. Dr. Kyra Paul, Social Development Planner, Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and Investment, Dominica
  2. Ms. Marie Hinds, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Ag.), Ministry of Planning and Development, Trinidad and Tobago

Lunch break


Hope Perkins

Monitoring the 2030 Agenda: Jamaica’s Experience

Josefo Seniwaitui Navuku

Fiji’s experience-Implementation of the SDGs

Jocelyne Croes

Identified Challenges & Recommendations for Aruba M&E

Sabrina Williams

Effective Monitoring & Evaluation of SDG Progress

Kyra Paul

Effective monitoring & evaluation of the Social Development Goals Progress in Dominica

May 16, 2019

Session 7: Capacity-building for sustainable development

10:30 - 13:30
  • Towards a global learning platform for SDG capacity-building
  • Mr. Alex Mejia, Director, Division for People and Social Inclusion, UNITAR
  • Global initiative on “Transformational Leadership and Equipping Public Servants with the capacities to implement the Sustainable Development Goals”: working together with schools of public administrationMs. Adriana Alberti, Chief, Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit, DPIDG, UN DESA
  • Transformational Leadership and Transforming Public Servants’ Mindsets for the Sustainable Development Goals – Asia-Pacific Task Force
  • Mr. Chae Gun Chung, Head, United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), DPIDG, UN DESA
  • Improving Data Literacy to advance Sustainable Development Implementation
  • Mr. Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Coordinator, Statistics and Social Development Unit, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean Partnership Corner
  • Moderator: Ms. Adriana Alberti, Chief, Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit, DPIDG, UN DESA
  • Speakers:
  1. Dr. Gabrielle Hosein, Head, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
  2. Ms. Kurba-Marie Questelles, Regional Training and Development Coordinator, Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors Network
  3. Dr. Stacy Richards-Kennedy, Director of Development, University of the West Indies
  • Partnership Corner
  • Moderator: Ms. Adriana Alberti, Chief, Programme Management and Capacity Development Unit, DPIDG, UN DESA
  • Speakers:
  1. Dr. Gabrielle Hosein, Head, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
  2. Ms. Kurba-Marie Questelles, Regional Training and Development Coordinator, Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors Network
  3. Dr. Stacy Richards-Kennedy, Director of Development, University of the West Indies

Coffee break

  • Accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda
  1. Ms. Rochelle Whyte, Senior Technical Advisor to the Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica
  2. H.E. Colin Murdoch, Senior Adviser, Office of the Prime Minister, Antigua and Barbuda
  • Lessons learned from three years of VNRs: Benefits, Main Building Blocks and maximizing the Impact of the VNRs
  1. Ms. Anya Thomas, Economic Affairs Officer, SIDS Unit, DSDG, UN DESA
  2. Ms. Rochelle Whyte, Senior Technical Advisor to the Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica
  • Identifying capacity development needs for conducting a reviews and accelerating implementation
  1. Ms. Dominique Ambrose-Charles, Economic and Financial Analyst II, Ministry of Finance, Guyana
  2. Mrs. Adriana Sharpe, Assistant Director, Technical Cooperation Unit, Ministry of Planning and Development, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Round-table: forward-looking discussion on strengthening institutional frameworks to advance the 2030 Agenda in the Caribbean
  • Moderator: Ms. Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean


Abdullahi Abdulkadri

Improving Data Literacy to advance Sustainable Development Implementation

Adriana Alberti

Transformational Leadership and Transforming Public Servants’ Mindsets for the Sustainable Development Goals

Chae Gun Chung

Transformational Leadership and Transforming Public Servants’ Mindsets for the Sustainable Development Goals – Asia-Pacific

Elena Proden

Learning solutions and global platform to support holistic implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Stacy Richards-Kennedy

Supporting the Implementation of the SDGs in the Caribbean

Rochelle Whyte

VNR Process Model

Diane Quarless

Strengthening Institutional Frameworks in the Caribbean for an Integrative Approach to Implement the 2030 Agenda and the SIDS Sustainable Development Agenda

May 16, 2019

Closing Plenary

13:30 - 14:00
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • Closing remarks
  1. Mr. Raul Garcia Buchaca, Deputy Executive Secretary, ECLAC
  2. Mr. Nikhil Seth, Executive Director, UNITAR
  3. Ms. Maria Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General, UN DESA

Organizing institution

ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean

  • http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
  • (868)224-8000
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