Caring in times of COVID-19: A global study on the impact of the pandemic on care work and gender equality
Descripción física: 244 páginas.
Editorial: ECLAC
Símbolo ONU (Signatura): LC/TS.2022/82
Febrero 6, 2023
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, and the response to it, have brought to light the importance of care for the sustainability of life, and the central role that care plays in the functioning of our economies and societies. The pandemic has exacerbated existing care needs, transformed conditions of paid and unpaid care work and, ultimately, increased the volume of women’s unpaid care work, deepening the associated gender gaps.
This study brings together evidence from across the globe on how the pandemic has impacted women’s unpaid care work, as well as exploring measures implemented by governments and the degree to which these mainstream a gender perspective. As the pandemic moves into its third year, these different experiences point to an opportunity to incorporate unpaid work and gender into recovery efforts, highlighting the care sector as an important driving force for building back better with more equality.
- Introduction
- Part 1. Caring in times of COVID-19. I. The care economy and unpaid work: concepts and trends / Ana Ferigra Stefanović, Lucía Scuro, Iliana Vaca-Trigo. II. Crisis upon crisis / Ana Ferigra Stefanović, Lucía Scuro, Iliana Vaca-Trigo. III. Towards integral care systems for a transformative sustainable recovery / Ana Ferigra Stefanović, Lucía Scuro, Iliana Vaca-Trigo
- Part II. Regional and national case studies. IV. The impact of COVID-19 on the care economy in Africa / Dr. Seithati Maria Motebang. V. Childcare, women’s employment and COVID-19 impacts in the Serbia / Sara Cantillon, Malinka Koparanova, Milana Rikanovic, Lidia Vujicic, Vladana Ajvaz, Nargis Azizova, Blerta Cela. VI. Childcare, women’s employment and COVID-19 impacts in the Kyrgz Republic / Mehrigiul Ablezova, Malinka Koparanova, Silke Steinhilber, Nargis Azizova. VII. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on care policies: experiences in Latin America / Catalina de la Cruz Pincetti, Lucia Scuro Somma. VIII. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the economic autonomy of women in Latin America and the Caribbean. IX. COVID-19 and the unpaid care economy in Asia and the Pacific / Deepta Chopra, Meenakshi Krishnan. X. Women’s economic empowerment in the Arab Region: advancing care economies / Muriel Sajoux, Abdulsalam Alsulaiman, Lena Torossian, Hala Attieh, Ghada Tabbah.