The Caribbean preparatory meeting of the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean is convened in accordance with the agreements adopted at the fifty-eighth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago, Chile, on 22 and 23 January 2019.
Event information

Tipo de evento:
The Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean is a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The Conference is convened every three years in order to identify the status of women’s autonomy and rights at the regional and subregional levels, present recommendations regarding public policies on gender equality, and undertake periodic assessments of the activities carried out in fulfilment of regional and international agreements on the subject.
The Caribbean preparatory meeting will be the occasion to discuss progress made, and challenges faced in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy in synergy with the Beijing+25 review. It will also identify new priority areas that need to be addressed to strengthen women’s autonomy in changing economic scenarios in the Caribbean. In addition, the preparations for the XIV session Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean will be discussed.
09:00 - 09:30 - Inauguration of the Subregional preparatory meeting of the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Chair: Hon. Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, the Family, Gender, Persons with Disabilities and Youth Affairs, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Gaietry Pargass, Senior Legal Adviser, Office of the Prime Minister, Trinidad and Tobago
- Janey Joseph, Director of Gender Relations, Saint Lucia, delivering the welcome statement of the President of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mariella Mazzotti, Director of the National Women’s Institute, Uruguay
- Tonni Ann Brodber, Deputy Representative, UN Women Caribbean Multi-Country Office
- Alison Drayton, Director, UNFPA Regional Office for the Caribbean
- Mario Castillo, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs
09:30 - 10:15 - Celebration of the Caribbean Girls Hack 2019 Hackathon initiative
- Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
- Hon. Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, the Family, Gender, Persons with Disabilities and Youth Affairs, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Winners:
- Juleen Gentles, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Shaiyan Bowman, Mountain View Adventist Academy, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Maali Rose, St. Augustine Girls’ High School
10:15 - 10:30 - Coffee Break and Group Photo
10:30 - 11:15 - Updates on Caribbean issues
- Alison Drayton, Director, UNFPA Regional Office for the Caribbean, ‘Update on Spotlight initiative in the Caribbean’
- Roberta Clarke, President, Coalition against Domestic Violence ‘Consolidating the Caribbean message on gender issues’
11:15 - 13:30 - Consideration of progress made, and challenges faced in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy in synergy with the Beijing+25 review
- Nicole Bidegain, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs
- Lydia Rosa Gény, Associate Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
- Hazel Brown, Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women, ‘The Caribbean, 25 years after Beijing’
- Country contributions:
- Elaine Henry-McQueen, Senior Programme Officer, Gender and Family Affairs, Grenada, ‘Women’s participation in public life and decision-making and women’s economic empowerment’
- Janey Joseph, Director of Gender Relations, Saint Lucia, ‘Women’s education, training and lifelong learning’
- Abike Benjamin-Samuels, Deputy Director of Social Services, Guyana, ‘Ending violence against women and girls’
- Tara-Sue Morgan, Gender Affairs Coordinator, British Virgin Islands, ‘Women and Environment’
- Tinavia Arthur, Research Programme Officer, Department of Gender Affairs, Turks and Caicos Islands, ‘Vulnerable groups of women in focus’
- Discussion
13:30 - 14:30 - Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00 - Women’s autonomy in changing economic scenarios in the Caribbean
- Moderator: Terry Ince, Founder and Convener of the NGO, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Committee of Trinidad and Tobago
- Panelists:
- Prof. Rhoda Reddock, Expert of the United Nations CEDAW Committee, ‘Identifying new priorities to achieve gender equality by 2030 in the Caribbean’
- Amílcar Sanatan, Instructor, University of the West Indies, ‘Engaging Caribbean men and boys in promoting women’s autonomy and gender equality’
- Kurba-Marie Questelles, Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors Network, ‘Including Caribbean youth in the global and regional gender agenda for greater impact on future generations’
- Lydia Rosa Gény, Associate Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean, ‘Impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on the autonomy of women in the Caribbean’
- Dr. Ronya Foy Connor, Gender Development Coordinator, Anguilla, ‘Financing gender equality through partnerships’
- Discussion
16:00 - 16:15 -Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:00 - Preparations for the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Nicole Bidegain, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs
- Stefanía Doebbel, International Affairs Adviser, Ministry of Women and Gender Equity, Chile
17:00 - 17:15 - Other matters
17:15 - 17:30 - Closing and conclusions of the preparatory meeting
- Hon. Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, The Family, Persons with Disabilities and Youth, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
Programa de trabajo:
Inauguration of the Subregional preparatory meeting of the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Chair: Hon. Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, the Family, Gender, Persons with Disabilities and Youth Affairs, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Gaietry Pargass, Senior Legal Adviser, Office of the Prime Minister, Trinidad and Tobago
- Janey Joseph, Director of Gender Relations, Saint Lucia, delivering the welcome statement of the President of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mariella Mazzotti, Director of the National Women’s Institute, Uruguay
- Tonni Ann Brodber, Deputy Representative, UN Women Caribbean Multi-Country Office
- Alison Drayton, Director, UNFPA Regional Office for the Caribbean
- Mario Castillo, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs
Celebration of the Caribbean Girls Hack 2019 Hackathon initiative
- Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
- Hon. Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, the Family, Gender, Persons with Disabilities and Youth Affairs, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Winners:
- Juleen Gentles, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Shaiyan Bowman, Mountain View Adventist Academy, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Maali Rose, St. Augustine Girls’ High School
Updates on Caribbean issues
- Alison Drayton, Director, UNFPA Regional Office for the Caribbean, ‘Update on Spotlight initiative in the Caribbean’
- Roberta Clarke, President, Coalition against Domestic Violence ‘Consolidating the Caribbean message on gender issues’
Consideration of progress made, and challenges faced in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy in synergy with the Beijing+25 review
- Nicole Bidegain, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs
- Lydia Rosa Gény, Associate Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
- Hazel Brown, Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women, ‘The Caribbean, 25 years after Beijing’
- Country contributions:
- Elaine Henry-McQueen, Senior Programme Officer, Gender and Family Affairs, Grenada, ‘Women’s participation in public life and decision-making and women’s economic empowerment’
- Janey Joseph, Director of Gender Relations, Saint Lucia, ‘Women’s education, training and lifelong learning’
- Abike Benjamin-Samuels, Deputy Director of Social Services, Guyana, ‘Ending violence against women and girls’
- Tara-Sue Morgan, Gender Affairs Coordinator, British Virgin Islands, ‘Women and Environment’
- Tinavia Arthur, Research Programme Officer, Department of Gender Affairs, Turks and Caicos Islands, ‘Vulnerable groups of women in focus’
- Discussion
Consideration of progress made, and challenges faced in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy in synergy with the Beijing+25 review
Grenada-Women’s Participation in Public Life and Decision-making and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Grenada
Saint Lucia-Consideration of progress made, and challenges faced in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy in synergy with the Beijng+25 review
Guyana-Progress & Challenges in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy
BVI - Women and Environment - From the Beijing+25 Report and Montevideo Strategy
TCI - Consideration of progress made, and challenges faced in the implementation of the Montevideo Strategy in synergy with the Beijng+25 review
Women’s autonomy in changing economic scenarios in the Caribbean
- Moderator: Terry Ince, Founder and Convener of the NGO, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Committee of Trinidad and Tobago
- Panelists:
- Prof. Rhoda Reddock, Expert of the United Nations CEDAW Committee, ‘Identifying new priorities to achieve gender equality by 2030 in the Caribbean’
- Amílcar Sanatan, Instructor, University of the West Indies, ‘Engaging Caribbean men and boys in promoting women’s autonomy and gender equality’
- Kurba-Marie Questelles, Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors Network, ‘Including Caribbean youth in the global and regional gender agenda for greater impact on future generations’
- Lydia Rosa Gény, Associate Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean, ‘Impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on the autonomy of women in the Caribbean’
- Dr. Ronya Foy Connor, Gender Development Coordinator, Anguilla, ‘Financing gender equality through partnerships’
- Discussion
Identifying New Priorities for Achieving Gender Equality in the Caribbean
Engaging Caribbean Men and Boys in Promoting Women’s Autonomy and Gender Equality
Impacts of Climate Change and Extreme Weather events on women’s autonomy in the Caribbean: A preliminary overview
Financing Gender Equality through Partnerships: Gender Affairs Anguilla’s approach
Preparations for the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Nicole Bidegain, Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs
- Stefanía Doebbel, International Affairs Adviser, Ministry of Women and Gender Equity, Chile
Preparations for the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
Other matters
Closing and conclusions of the preparatory meeting
- Hon. Frederick Stephenson, Minister of National Mobilization, Social Development, The Family, Persons with Disabilities and Youth, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
Contenido relacionado:
Preparatory meeting of the XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean with Caribbean countries
The preparatory meeting of the XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean with Caribbean countries is convened In accordance with the agreement of the fifthly-third meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was held in Santiago, Chile on 26-29 January 2016.

Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in National Sustainable Development Planning
ECLAC Caribbean, in collaboration with ECLAC Division for Gender Affairs, convenes the Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in National Sustainable Development Planning for technical experts and representatives attending the Caribbean preparatory meeting to the XIV session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Sede y Oficinas Subregionales:
Subregional Headquarters, Port of SpainAdjuntos:
- Roadmap 14th XIV Conference
- Information Note
- Draft_agenda_subregional_preparatory_meeting
- Montevideo Strategy
- 2030 Agenda and the SDGs_An opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean
- anguilla_eclac_montevideo_strategy_national_report_-_may_2019.pdf
- british_virgin_islands_montevideo_strategy_report_2019_.pdf
- suriname_report_on_montevideo_strategy_final.pdf
- barbados_beijing_plus_25_report_2014-2019.pdf
- beijing_25_report_2019_saint_lucia.pdf
- grenada_comprehensive_national_review_to_beijing_25_may_2019.pdf
- informe_beijing25_antigua_y_barbuda.pdf
- informe_guyana.pdf
- informe_british_virgin_islands.pdf
- turks_and_caicos_islands_beijing25_report_may_2019-a.pdf
- montevideo_strategy_report_saint_vincent_and_the_grenadines
Documentos de la reunión:
Institución organizadora:
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
- (868)224-8000