Regional integration in the Caribbean: The role of trade agreements and structural transformation

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Regional integration in the Caribbean: The role of trade agreements and structural transformation

  • Autor:


    McLean, Sheldon -
    Pantin, Machel -
    Skerrette, Nyasha -

  • Publicación autor corporativo (Autor institucional): NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
  • Descripción física: 37 páginas.
  • Editorial: CEPAL
  • Símbolo ONU (Firma): LC/CAR/L.448
  • Fecha: Octubre 1, 2014

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Despite having relatively open economies and a dedicated strategic focus on export expansion, Caribbean economies still account for a small proportion of global trade (goods and services). This paper therefore posits that the subregion adopt a new dais of regional integration, which favours deeper trade and economic integration with countries which are the region’s natural trading partners.

Sedes subregionales y oficinas:

Subregional Headquarters, Port of Spain