9 Mar 2022 Online, Chile | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
Methods and international classifications
15 Oct 2021 Evento virtual / Virtual event, Chile | Other events
The Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, presents a new version of the CEPALSTAT platform. This is the main portal for accessing statistical information collected on the countries of the...
19 Oct-26 Nov 2020 Modalidad a distancia, Panama | Meetings and technical symposiums
Organizado conjuntamente por la CEPAL, el PNUD y el Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá. Se realiza en modalidad a distancia, en combinación con un curso en línea (plataforma Moodle) y webinarios en...
14-16 Oct 2020 Reunión virtual / Virtual meeting, Chile | Meetings and technical symposiums
On this occasion, a space has been designated for the presentation of the integrated economic statistics systems of the region and a session to review the actions of the national accounts offices in...
- 7 Jan 2016
Briefing note
ECLAC delivered course on environmental protection expenditures in Costa Rica - 1 Aug 2012
Press Release
Latin American and Caribbean Countries Agree to Generate Information on Public Security and Justice - 5 Jul 2012
Press Release
Citizen Security and Labour Statistics, Main Topics at ECLAC Meeting in Ecuador