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New interface of CEPALSTAT portal to improve accessibility to Latin America and the Caribbean regionally comparable statistics

15 October 2021|Event

The Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, presents a new version of the CEPALSTAT platform. This is the main portal for accessing statistical information collected on the countries of the region, organized and published by ECLAC. The presentation will be held virtually.


Statistical information is a key element for defining public policies for sustainable development in the countries of the region. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) disseminates significant data from the region on the three pillars of development —economic, social and environmental— through various mediums, and CEPALSTAT is the main gateway to the statistical information that is collected, systematized, compiled and published by the Commission.

As part of the implementation of innovative solutions for the dissemination of data in the region, and in line with the Data Strategy of the Secretary-General for Action by Everyone, Everywhere launched by the United Nations, ECLAC has revamped its CEPALSTAT data portal to meet the demands of an increasingly connected public who use search engines and social networks to Access large volumes of robust data that can be used to analyse a number of development-related issues.

15 Oct 2021

  • Presentation of the new interface of the statistical data portal CEPALSTAT

    09:30 to 10:45

    New interface of CEPALSTAT

    Promotional video on CEPALSTAT


    • • Rolando Ocampo, Director de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / Chief of the Statistics Division of ECLAC
      Introducción - Moderador / Introduction - Moderator
      • Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL / Executive Secretary of ECLAC
      Presentación de CEPALSTAT / CEPALSTAT presentation
           » Comentaristas / Commentators:
      • Rosemary Kalapurakal, Directora Adjunta de la Oficina de Coordinación para el Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas / Deputy Director, United Nations Development Coordination Office
      • Stefan Schweinfest, Director de la División de Estadística de Naciones Unidas / Director of the United Nations Statistics Division
      • Emanuele Baldacci, Director para Recursos e Innovación de Eurostat / Director of Resources and Innovation, Eurostat
      • Paloma Merodio, Copresidenta del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Información Geoespacial y Presidenta de UN-GGIM: Américas / Co-Chair of the Working Group on Geospatial Information and Chair of the UN-GGIM: Americas
      • Juan Daniel Oviedo, Presidente de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas de la CEPAL / Chair of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC
      ▪ Video promocional
      ▪ Promotional video
      • Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL / Executive Secretary of ECLAC
      Palabras de cierre / Closing remarks