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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
August 2021
Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
December 2016
Publication cover
August 2016

Este libro es resultado de una iniciativa conjunta de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y la Organización...

Publication cover
December 2008 |
  • Altimir, Oscar

This article analyses the costs in terms of income distribution of the crisis and adjustments of the 1980s, as well as the effects of the...

Publication cover
April 1994 |
  • Altimir, Oscar

Este artículo analiza los costos distributivos de la crisis y losajustes de los años ochenta, así como los efectos de la recuperacióny del inicio...