CEPAL Review no. 120
CEPAL Review no. 120
Table of contents
Creditor protection, information sharing and credit for small and medium-sized enterprises: cross-country evidence / Arturo Galindo and Alejandro Micco .-- Mechanisms of default risk transmission and economic policy coordination / Karlo Marques Junior and Fernando Motta Correia .-- Mergers and acquisitions carried out by Spanish firms in Latin America: a network analysis study / Ángeles Sánchez Díez, Pablo Galaso Reca and José Manuel García de la Cruz .-- The Chilean peso exchange-rate carry trade and turbulence / Paulo Cox and José Gabriel Carreño .-- Unemployment dynamics in Uruguay: an analysis using chain reaction theory Martín Leites and Sylvina Porras .-- Determinants of women’s hours worked in Mexico: a pseudo-panel approach (2005-2010) / Armando Sánchez V, Verónica Villarespe R, Diego A Román C and Ana Liz Herrera M .—The intersection between class and gender and its impact on the quality of employment in Chile / Omar Aguilar, Pablo Pérez, Rubén Ananías, Claudia Mora and Osvaldo Blanco .-- Brazil, 1981-2013: the effects of economic growth and income inequality on poverty / Francisco José Silva Tabosa, Pablo Urano de Carvalho Castelar and Guilherme Irffi .-- The performance of the computer software and services sector in Argentina: microeconometric evidence on public-sector support programmes / Mariano Pereira, María Florencia Barletta and Gabriel Yoguel .-- Structural changes in Brazilian industry (1995-2009) / Helena Loiola Persona and Maria Aparecida Silva Oliveira.