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This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 17 of 17 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
December 2013 |
  • Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel
  • Pérez Caldentey, Esteban

The Macroeconomics for development blue print for Latin America and the Caribbean is articulated around two issues: an active strategy of...

Publication cover
December 2013 |
  • Sohn, Jung Eun
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

Tariffs and non-tariff barriers having been reduced, the international community seeks to lower other trade transaction costs that are greater in...

Publication cover
December 2013 |
  • Fleury, Sonia
  • Faria, Mariana
  • Durán, Juanita
  • Sandoval, Hernán
  • Yanes, Pablo
  • Penchaszadeh, Víctor
  • Abramovich, Víctor
NU. CEPAL. División de Financiamiento para el Desarrollo
Rockefeller Foundation

Recently, Latin American countries have had to face the challenges of improving social inclusion and economic redistribution while consolidating...

Publication cover
December 2013 |
  • Aguirre, Rosario
  • Ferrari, Fernanda
NU. CEPAL. División de Asuntos de Género
NU. Cuenta Especial de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo

Most economic and labour studies focus on work in the market, leaving aside the great number of activities dedicated to personal, family and...

Publication cover
November 2013 |
  • Alleyne, Dillon
  • Hendrickson, Michael
  • Phillips, Willard
  • Yoshida, Kohei
  • Pantin, Machel
  • Skerrette, Nyasha
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

This survey posits that improving global prospects especially in the United States and Europe will mean opportunities for positive growth in the...

Publication cover
October 2013 |
  • Ahmad, Ehtisham
German Society for International Cooperation
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Económico

Sustainable growth strategies depend critically on the role of the state in different societies, and the incentive structures associated with...

Publication cover
September 2013 |
  • Scherer, Anne-Christine
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The organic food market in the United States has shown impressive growth rates since the passage of legislation to regulate the market in the...

Publication cover
September 2013 |
  • Amarante, Verónica

I. Factor income shares.-- II. Inequality measurement using household surveys.-- III. Data from fiscal administrations.-- IV. Final comments.

Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Alleyne, Dillon
  • Phillips, Willard
  • Hendrickson, Michael
  • Yoshida, Kohei
  • Pantin, Machel
  • Skerrette, Nyasha
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In the face of weak global growth in major export markets the Caribbean economies have underperformed. The situation is much more severe among...

Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Stockins, Pauline
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

Much work has been carried out on the notion of good practices in many fields of development. This refers to specific initiatives (projects,...

Publication cover
July 2013 |
  • Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel
  • Pérez Caldentey, Esteban
  • Carvallo, Pablo

Using two standard cycle methodologies (Classical and Deviation Cycle) and a comprehensive sample of 83 countries worldwide, including all...

Publication cover
June 2013 |
  • Schmidt, Vivien A.
German Society for International Cooperation

Discourse always matters in the politics of building social pacts on social protection —for failure as much as for success. And by discourse, we...

Publication cover
May 2013 |
  • Alleyne, Dillon
  • Amonde, Tom
  • Hendrickson, Michael
  • Yoshida, Kohei
  • Dookie, Michele
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The current survey provides an overview of the economic performance for 2011 and the outlook for 2012 of the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana,...

Publication cover
April 2013 |
  • Denner, Lize
  • Blackman, Tricia
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

This study examines two knowledge management processes, namely knowledge capture and retention and knowledge sharing, in the context of the...

Publication cover
February 2013 |
  • Zapata S., Willy W.
  • Eisele, María Kristina
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

In this paper we explore trade finance as a transmission channel of adverse shocks to Central America. We analyze data on trade and trade finance...

Publication cover
January 2013 |
  • Campos Motta, Renata
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial

This study is about the public discourse on the introduction of biotechnology in agriculture in three Latin American countries, Argentina, Brazil...

Publication cover
January 2013 |
  • Phillips, Willard
  • Thorne, Elizabeth
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Waste management is one of the least recognized public policy issues in the Caribbean. Quite apart from the obvious physical unattractiveness of...