Agriculture and rural development
Economic growth
Economic history of Latin America and the Caribbean
Financial and monetary sector
Foreign direct investment
Cities and human settlements
Income distribution
Industrial development
Innovation, science and technology
Public administration
Social investment/spending
Social stratification and mobility
CEPAL Review no.121
- Physical Description: 192 páginas.
- Publisher: CEPAL
- UN Symbol (Signature): LC/PUB.2017/8-P
- Date: April 1, 2017
- ISBN: 9789211219500
Table of contents
- Disasters, economic growth and fiscal response in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, 1972-2010 / Omar D. Bello
- Nicaragua: trend of multidimensional poverty, 2001-2009 / José Espinoza-Delgado and Julio López-Laborda
- Determinants of non-farm employment and non-farm earnings in Ecuador / Cristian Vasco and Grace Natalie Tamayo
- Innovation and productivity in services and manufacturing firms: the case of Peru / Mario D. Tello
- Santiago Chile: city of cities? Social inequalities in local labour market zones / Luis Fuentes, Oscar Mac-Clure, Cristóbal Moya and Camilo Olivos
- Thoughts on the inequality of opportunities: new evidence / Wallace Patrick Santos de Farias Souza, Ana Cláudia Annegues and Victor Rodrigues de Oliveira
- How did Costa Rica achieve social and market incorporation? / Juliana Martínez Franzoni and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea
- Ecuador: why exit dollarization? / Gonzalo J. Paredes
- The political economy of the fiscal deficit in nineteenth-century Chile / Roberto Pastén
- The determinants of foreign direct investment in Brazil: empirical analysis for 2001-2013 / Eduarda Martins Correa da Silveira, Jorge Augusto Dias Samsonescu and Divanildo Triches.