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15 January 2015 | News
Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis are set to benefit from technical assistance provided by ECLAC Caribbean.
8 December 2014 | News
ECLAC Caribbean responds to requests from member and associate member states for statistical capacity training in the core elements of Time Use Surveys.
3 December 2014 | News
The Caribbean technical meeting on the Beijing +20 review and appraisal of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action took place at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago Chile, on 14 - 15 November 2014.
2 December 2014 | News
The ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean will help deepen the expertise of policy makers and finance managers in the application of methods and procedures for better management and forecasting of public expenditure, revenue and debt.
21 November 2014 | News
The Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) methodology is helping to estimate the impacts of rain-related disasters that affected several communities along the eastern coast of the Trinidad over the past week.
1 October 2014 | News
Caribbean governments are set to gain greater capacity in the management of public finance.
26 September 2014 | News
The REDATAM (REtrieval of DATa for small Areas by Microcomputer) software developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is being used to improve access to population and housing census data for public and private sector researchers across the Caribbean.
5 September 2014 | Press Release
Building resilience to external shocks and addressing vulnerability of island States are key issues to attain sustainable development, the UN Commission stated.
3 September 2014 | Press Release
Ministers from several Caribbean countries addressed the challenges posed as a result of small size and limited capacity.
SIDS logo
1 September 2014 | Announcement
The Third International Conference on SIDS will take place from 1-4 September 2014 in Apia, Independent State of Samoa. ECLAC will also participate in two main side events during the event.
7 August 2014 | News
The vulnerability of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will be the topic of discussion at the Third International Conference on SIDS, that will take place from 1 – 4 September 2014 in Apia, Independent State of Samoa.
23 de April de 2014 | Press Release
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, Alicia Bárcena, participa en Jamaica en una mesa redonda sobre el progreso en esa región.
Restos de viviendas tras huracán
2 December 2013 | News
The ECLAC Subregional headquarters in Port-of-Spain supports the use of information and communications technologies in this area.
5 September 2013 | Press Release
Official emphasized the need for a new strategy for convergence to enable the subregion to tackle external crises.
4 September 2013 | Speech
By Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC
15 July 2013 | Press Release
Regional integration was highlighted as a key to regional development.
12 July 2013 | Press Release
Proposals include actions to reduce poverty and inequality and promote the rights of vulnerable groups.
8 July 2013 | Press Release
Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated on behalf of the United Nations' Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.