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9 January 2014 | Infographic
In the last decades, poverty in the region declined slowly but steadily, a trend that persisted even during the global crisis of 2008-2009. But from 2011 the pace that had been folding down this scourge has slowed.
7 November 2013 | Press Release
The event is organized by ECLAC, CAF-Development Bank of Latin America, the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
7 November 2013 | Press Release
Representatives of the organizing institutions - ECLAC, CAF, SEGIB, GIZ and UNAM- opened the event.
4 November 2013 | Press Release
Port throughputs in the first half of 2013 posted their slowest growth since 2009.
17 October 2013 | Press Release
Document highlights the deep inequalities affecting over 23 million indigenous women.
3 October 2013 | Press Release
ECLAC, in its role as technical secretariat for the Dialogue, will carry out a study on the subject.
20 April 2013 | Press Release
The aim is to make progress towards concluding a regional instrument for the full implementation of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on the Environment and Development.
26 January 2013 | Press Release
According to Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, speaking as she welcomed the Mexican leader, Mexico can play a very active role in regional integration.
18 January 2013 | Press Release
President Enrique Peña Nieto gave assurances that Mexico has a promising future if it can take advantage of the opportunities it has.
7 November 2012 | Press Release
Representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean will make progress in the application of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
5 June 2012 | Press Release
The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Patricia Espinosa, who also took part in the ceremony, recognized the importance of ECLAC's work to foster development in the region.
30 January 2012 | Press Release
The agreement establishes academic cooperation in areas relating to the economic and social development of the region.
20 October 2011 | Press Release
Annual report prepared by ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico contains up-to-date statistical data on the petroleum industry in Central American countries.
3 August 2011 | Press Release
Other topics included are student violence and school performance, and the competitiveness of tourism in the Caribbean.
29 April 2011 | Press Release
The publication tackles the significant position of Latin America and the Caribbean as a recipient and source of FDI in 2010, China's penetration as an investor in the region and trends in the telecommunications and software industries.
19 April 2011 | Press Release
One of the studies tackles the barriers that public monopolies impose on climate change policy in Mexico. The second study analyses the use of energy accounts as a means of assessing sectoral efficiency in Central America.
11 March 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena also took part in the Congress on "The intellectual experience of women in the 21st century".
4 January 2011 | Press Release
Today, ECLAC opened the first School for Policymakers in Science, Technology and Innovation, in order to strengthen capacities in the region's countries.
4 January 2011 | Press Release
The three institutions committed to carrying out joint activities so that the region's companies are able to measure their environmental and social performance.