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Showing 1 to 20 of 61 results in 4 pages.
29 September 2021 | Presiding officers
Sixty-first meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held virtually from 29 to 30 September 2021. The meeting is being organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), as secretariat of the...
28 January 2020 | Presiding officers
The Fifty-ninth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was held on 28 January 2020, in Santiago, Chile, prior to the XIV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean.
27 January 2020 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
30 July 2018 | Presiding officers
The fifty-seventh meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women was held on 30-31 July 2018 at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
5 October 2017 | Presiding officers
The fifty-sixth meeting of the Presiding Officers was held from 5 to 6 October 2017 in Havana, Cuba.
25 May 2017 | Presiding officers
The fifty-fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers was held at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago from 25 to 26 May 2017.
26 July 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The preparatory meeting of the XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean with Caribbean countries is convened In accordance with the agreement of the fifthly-third meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean,...
15 October 2013 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
The twelfth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Santo Domingo, from 15 to 17 October 2013, and was convened by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC in compliance with ECLAC resolution 667(XXXIV), to examine the progress made by the region and the...
28 November 2011 | Meetings and technical symposiums
4 December 2008 | Presiding officers
The opening session of the forty-second meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean has been held with the participation of authorities of national machineries for the advancement of women from 15 countries in the region and...
24 April 2008 | Presiding officers
La Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe celebró su cuadragésima primera reunión los días 24 y 25 de abril de 2008 en Bogotá (Colombia). Esta es la primera reunión de los países miembros de la Mesa Directiva, elegida en la décima Coferencia Regional...
6 August 2007 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
The tenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was convened by the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in compliance with ECLAC resolution 619(XXXI) and was held in Quito, Ecuador, from 6 to 9 August...
3 October 2006 | Presiding officers
Los países miembros de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe realizaron su cuadragésima reunión los días 3 y 4 de octubre de 2006 en la sede de la CEPAL en Santiago de Chile.
11 May 2006 | Presiding officers
Los países miembros de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe celebraron su trigésima novena reunión los días 11 y 12 de mayo de 2006 en la ciudad de México.
7 September 2005 | Presiding officers
Concluyó la trigésima octava reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe con la participación de 19 Estados Miembros y varias organizaciones del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Los participantes revisaron las actividades realizadas en...
10 June 2004 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
The ninth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was convened by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC in compliance with ECLAC resolution 557(XXVI) and was held in Mexico City, Mexico, from 10 to 12 June 2004.
