High-level seminar on the future of economic statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean
18 November 2019|Event
Organized jointly by ECLAC, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
The purpose of this seminar is to discuss data needs for evidence-based policymaking, recent experiences in innovation in statistical production and the integration of data sources, and institutional mechanisms for developing economic statistics.
The results and recommendations of the seminar will be included in the report of the tenth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas.
- Session 3 and 4
- Session 5 and 6 (After of the opening session of the tenth meeting of the SCA)
18 Nov 2019
Registration of participants and Welcome and opening remarks
08:30 to 09:10- • Rolando Ocampo, División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / ECLAC Statistics Division• José Antonio Mejía, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) / Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).• Ivo Havinga, División de Estadísticas de Naciones Unidas (DENU) / United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
Introduction of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics and the Future of Economic Statistics - Initiative on the update of the system of economic
09:10 to 09:30- Susie Fortier, Statistics CanadaFriends of the Chair (FOC) Group on Economic StatisticsIvo Havinga, DENU / UNSDGlobal Coordination and Governance for the Update of the System of Economic Statistics
Sustainable economic development and the need for statistics - a user and policy perspective
09:30 to 10:00- Daniel Titelman, División de Desarrollo Económico de la CEPAL / ECLAC Economic Development DivisionDesarrollo económico sostenible y necesidad de estadísticas desde una perspectiva de usuario y de políticas
Session 1: Priorities and initiatives for institutional arrangements to advance the integration of economic statistics
10:00 to 11:30» Moderator: ECLAC
- Daniel Oviedo, Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (DANE) de ColombiaEnrique Ordaz, INEGI de MéxicoSubsistema Nacional de Información EconómicaPeter van de Ven, OCDEIt’s time for a change: broadening the SNA framework to account for sustainability and well-being
Session 2: Priorities and initiatives for the update of the statistical operations and statistical infrastructure of the system of economic statistics
11:30 to 13:00- Lourdes Erro, Banco Central de Uruguay1) Necesidades de información hacia los ODS 2020 y los desafíos para la base estadística (presentación)2) Necesidades de información hacia los ODS 2020 y los desafíos para la base estadística (documento)Banco Central de Costa RicaCimar Azeredo Pereira, Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE) de BrasilUso de registros administrativos para la producción de estadísticas: demandas y desafíos
Session 3: Priorities and Initiatives on the conceptual framework of the system of economic statistics to measure beyond traditional metrics
14:30 to 16:30- Santiago Segovia, Banco Central de EcuadorEl Banco Central y la Estadística del FuturoIgnacio Flores Beale, World Inequality Lab de FranciaDesafíos de medición de las desigualdades - Datos, problemas y soluciones
Session 4: Coordination and governance for the update of the system of economic statistics
16:30 to 18:00- Ivo Havinga, DENU /UNSDShyam Upadhyaya, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI) / United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)UNIDO’s role in organization and dissemination of global industrial statistics
19 Nov 2019
Session 5: Global and regional priorities and initiative to provide access to new technological infrastructure, methods and services
10:30 to 13:00(Plenary of the Statistical Conference of the Americas)
» Moderator: ECLAC
- Daniel Titelman, División de Desarrollo Económico de la CEPAL / ECLAC Economic Development DivisionIvette Fernández, Francisco Ruiz, Banco Central de ChileNuevas fuentes de información y herramientas tecnológicasJosé Antonio Meade, MéxicoDatos, narrativa y bienestar
Session 6: Conclusions and recommendations on the global and regional priorities and initiatives
12:00 to 13:00» Moderator: ECLAC
- Ivo Havinga, DENU / UNSDResumen e informe del primer día del seminario- Debate plenario sobre conclusiones y recomendaciones / Plenary discussion on conclusions and recommendations