Financing and Planning for Disaster Risk Management in Caribbean Small Islands Developing States



The Caribbean is considered one of the most disaster-prone regions in the world. Indeed, the financial impact of disasters such as hurricanes on Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is invariably several times greater than their gross domestic product (GDP). Governments of the subregion therefore must continue to seek innovative approaches to mobilize both domestic and external sources to finance their sustainable development and resilience efforts.

Event information



Event type

Meetings and technical symposiums


By registration

This seminar is being organised and with the following objectives:

  • To examine current and innovative financial mechanisms for DRM in the Caribbean;
  • Identify and highlight local and regional financial gaps and other resourcing requirements in supporting DRM;
  • Promote increased knowledge and awareness of the value of integrating DRM financing into national development plans and strategies for resilience building;
  • Provide insight into the use and application of Geospatial tools for evidence-based data analysis and decision making in the financing of DRM;
  • Identify policies and linkages for financing the management of the COVID-19 pandemic under a DRM framework;


Participants: This seminar is relevant to policy makers in the public sector, academic, industry practitioners and other key stakeholders with responsibilities for disaster risk management, financing and financing for sustainable development.

13:00 - 13:05 

Opening of the session


Welcome remarks by Mr. Dillon Alleyne Deputy Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean



13:05 - 13:20 

Planning for Resilience in the Caribbean SIDS, Ms. Artie Dubrie, Coordinator, Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit, ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean


13:20 - 14:35 




Section A:  Financing for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and DRM in the Caribbean SIDS


Moderator: Mr. Willard Phillips, Economic Affairs Officer, Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit, ECLAC Caribbean

Resilience Building, Comprehensive Disaster Risk Financing- It is all

Ex ante

Dr. Justin Ram, Regional Expert-Economics and Finance


  • CCRIF-SPC: An Example of a Disaster Risk Financing Mechanism for the Caribbean and Central America

Ms. Elizabeth Emanuel, CCRIF Technical Assistance Manager and CCRIF Corporate Communications Manager, CCRIF SPC


  • Caribbean Regional Resilience Building Facility

Ms. Mary Boyer, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank




  • GCF: Supporting Resilience Building in Caribbean SIDS

Ms. Neranda Maurice-George, Green Climate Fund (GCF) Regional Advisor to the Caribbean, Green Climate Fund

  • Discussion

14:35 - 14:40 




14:40 - 15:55 



Section B: National approaches in planning and financing for DRM


Moderator: Ms. Artie Dubrie, Coordinator, Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit, ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean

  • The Bahamas: Financing Instruments/Policies for Disaster Risk Management

Mr. Carl Oliver, Director, Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management & Reconstruction, The Bahamas


  • Antigua and Barbuda’s Climate Finance Landscape: Building National Level Capacity to Access and Absorb Finance

Ms. Courtnae Bailey, Technical Advisor, Department of Environment, Antigua and Barbuda

  • Public Private Sector Partnerships in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR):  

Mr. Nahuel Arenas, Deputy Chief, Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and

Ms. Lizra Fabien, Executive Director of the Dominica Association of Industry & Commerce

  • Discussion




15:55 - 16:00 

Closure of the session

Closing remarks, Dr. Dillon Alleyne, Deputy Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean.