Eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable



Confronting the challenges to resilient growth and sustainable development in the Caribbean: from dialogue to action
post the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States

Event information



Tipo de evento:

Meetings and technical symposiums


Con registro

The Caribbean Development Roundtable will bring together regional and international development thinkers and practitioners, leaders and senior policy makers from ECLAC member States and associate member countries, representatives of the United Nations system, regional and international financial institutions, academia, and civil society, including the private sector, as well as other development partners. All are invited to contribute to the discussions.


Day 1
1 Registration

Opening of the Meeting

  • Remarks by Outgoing CDCC Chair
  • Remarks by Incoming CDCC Chair

 Statement by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC which frames the discussions



Panel 1: Confronting Climate Change Through Strategies for Risk Reduction, Resilience Building and Economic Recovery in the Caribbean:

  • The role of Parametric Insurance in Disaster Risk Management – Liz Emanuel, CCRIF
  • Integrating Early Warning Systems into Caribbean Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies - UNDRR
  • Data Availability and the Role of the MVI – DESA
  • Strategies for building resilience to mitigate the economic and fiscal impact of climate change on Caribbean Economies   - CCCCCs 

Keynote Speaker –– Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis   


Panel 2: Improving Access to Innovative and Climate Finance: towards investment in Adaptation and Structural Transformation in Caribbean Economies.

  • Climate Finance and the ABAS – Minster Chet Greene
  • Innovative Climate Finance Instruments: Carbon Credits and a Regional Emissions Trading Scheme – Vice President Jagdeo or Minister of Natural Resources, Guyana  
  • Addressing Gaps in Building Resilience and Facilitating Rapid Recovery (and the establishment of Regional SIRF Fund for financing environmental, climate mitigation and adaptation projects) – Ambassador Comacho-Thomas
  • Debt Buy-backs, Blended Finance and Debt for Climate Swaps credible options for Caribbean economies in a climate of high interest rates and limited access to concessional and grant funds? – Lyndon Guiseppi or Manuel Rodriguez



Panel 3: Enhancing Human Capital and Competitiveness in fueling growth and sustainable development in the Caribbean:

  • The main drivers of productivity (including AI) in the Caribbean – Professor Vanus James
  • Role of Governance in Enhancing Efficiency and Addressing the Implementation Deficit – Diann Black-Layne
  • Closing the Caribbean’s Skills-gap – President of COSTATT


Day 2

Panel 4: Building Economic Resilience through Diversification

  • The development of Growth Poles centred around the yachting and cruise sectors as a medium for building economic resilience in Caribbean economies – Martin Franklin
  • Harnessing the potential of the Blue Economy as a tool for delivering growth and economic development in Caribbean SIDS – Minister Anthony Smith
  • New and Dynamic Industries for attracting investment – Head of JAMPRO  

Panel 5: Deepening Trade and Integration to Promote Growth and Development in the Caribbean

  • The Importance of Negotiating New Bilateral Trade Agreements: Deepening Trade Relations with Latin America - Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Belize  
  • Intra-regional Trade and the future of the rules-based multilateral trading system   - Wayne McCook
  • The Role of Modernizing Regional Transportation Infrastructure – Minister Alva Baptiste

Closing remarks by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC.


Lunch: Keynote Speaker – A consideration of the essential elements of the proposed SIDS Development Bank for Prosperity

Información práctica:

Scope of Meeting

The CDR is expected to address the Caribbean’s debt challenge and other related issues, while providing a forum for examining opportunities for more effective promotion of sustainable development. Emphasis will be placed on finding innovative solutions to these trenchant problems.  The theme of the Roundtable is “Confronting the challenges to resilient growth and sustainable development in the Caribbean: from dialogue to action 

post the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States”

The meeting will focus on five interrelated topics as follows:

  • Confronting Climate Change Through Strategies for Risk Reduction, Resilience Building and Economic Recovery in the Caribbean.
  • Improving Access to Innovative and Climate Finance: towards investment in Adaptation and Structural Transformation in Caribbean Economies.
  • Enhancing Human Capital and Competitiveness in fueling growth and sustainable development in the Caribbean.
  • Building Economic Resilience through Diversification
  • Deepening Trade and Integration to Promote Growth and Development in the Caribbean.


Objective of the Roundtable

The main objective of the Roundtable is to provide a space for intellectual exchange of views and suggestions, with a view to identifying workable solutions to address the vulnerabilities of Caribbean SIDS.  Focus will be given the identification of integrated strategies for building resilience. It is anticipated that such strategies could be mainstreamed into national development planning processes, through policy formulation.

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<p>The eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable and the thirtieth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) are being held at a time when the subregion is animated by the recently concluded Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States, which set a decisive agenda for SIDS in pursuit of resilient growth and sustainable development with the support of the international community. Indeed, in the very year that the United Nations convenes a Summit of the Future to inspire global dynamic action to safeguard the well-being of future generations, these sessions of the CDR and the CDCC offer the countries of the subregion an opportunity to sharpen their focus on the complex challenges that continue to confront them, and that require global solidarity and partnership in pursuit of innovative problem-solving strategies and actions. And as the Committee at its thirtieth session reflects on its work accomplished in the Caribbean, it is also a strategic opportunity for member States and associate members to explore how the Regional Commission might best support the countries’ efforts to give further momentum to addressing critical development priorities that will take you from vulnerability to resilience; from unsustainable debt to economic recovery and dynamic, sustainable growth.</p>

Institución organizadora:

ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean

  • http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
  • (868)224-8000

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Aurélie Quiatol

  • aurelie.quiatol@eclac.org
  • (868) 224-8071

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