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Webinar for Caribbean Governments on the Regional agreement on access to information, participation and justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean

23 de agosto de 2018|Evento

Organized by ECLAC, CARICOM and the OECS, the webinar aims to present the content of the Regional Agreement to Caribbean government delegates involved in the signature and ratification process and offer an opportunity to discuss queries with legal experts.

Background: The Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (C.N.196.2018.TREATIES-XXVII.18), adopted on 4 March 2018 at Escazú, Costa Rica, will open for signature of the 33 countries of the region on 27 September 2018 at United Nations headquarters in New York, in the framework of the Treaty Event. To assist Caribbean countries in preparation for possible signature and ratification, UN ECLAC, CARICOM and the OECS are convening a webinar for Caribbean governments.

Objective of the webinar: Present the content of the Regional Agreement to government delegates involved in the signature and ratification process and offer an opportunity to discuss queries with legal experts.

11 - 11.15 pm

Welcoming remarks

11.15 - 11.45 pm

Summary of context and content of the Regional Agreement

Kishan Kummarsingh, Head of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Government of Trinidad and Tobago and Presiding Officer of the process

11.45 – 12 pm

Signature and ratification process

Santiago Villalpando, Chief, Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations

12 – 12.45 pm

Discussion with participants

12.45 – 1 pm

Conclusions and closing remarks