An assessment of global economic models for climate change

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An assessment of global economic models for climate change

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Descripción física: 25 páginas.

Editorial: ECLAC

Símbolo ONU (Signatura): LC/CAR/L.267


Junio 15, 2010

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The project comprises three phases of which Phase I would be implemented over the period
September to December 2008. The major objectives of Phase I are, firstly, to establish the scope and
feasibility of carrying out a study on the costs/benefits of taking action on climate change adaptation
and cost effectiveness of mitigation in the Caribbean compared to a “business as usual” scenario, and
secondly, to support initial actions to alert policymakers and key influencing constituencies to the
urgency of this challenge.


  • Introduction
  • I. Feasibility Of The Project
  • II. Models
  • III. An Assessment For The Caribbean Region Using Iam
  • IV. Models And Softwares To Be Used On The Project
  • V. Project Activities And Terms Of Reference.


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