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21 de agosto de 2024 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This event is being organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Trinidad and Tobago and the Faculty of Engineering, University of the West Indies.
13 de diciembre de 2022 | Otros eventos
The workshop is being convened to discuss and agree on the steps towards the preparation of the national, regional and synthesis reports on the 10-year Review of the Implementation of the SAMOA Pathway.
22 de marzo de 2022 | Otros eventos
The National Consultation aims at discussing the progress in formulating and implementing sustainable recovery plans in Trinidad and Tobago and receiving input and concrete recommendations on building back better and accelerating the implementation of the national development goals and the...
23 de febrero de 2022 | Otros eventos
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum will be held from 19 - 20 April 2022. We invite you to be a part of the preparatory process by participating in the Caribbean Youth Dialogues.
6 de octubre de 2021 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This expert group meeting discusses the ECLAC study on Synthesis of Policy interventions responding to common Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Challenges in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
6 de septiembre de 2021 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This workshop is the second of a two-part series and is designed for technical officers responsible for GIS and application developers supporting DRM.
30 de agosto de 2021 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This workshop is the first of a two-part series and is designed for senior technical officers having responsibilities in selecting and using technologies to support DRM.
17 de noviembre de 2020 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The Caribbean is considered one of the most disaster-prone regions in the world. Indeed, the financial impact of disasters such as hurricanes on Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is invariably several times greater than their gross domestic product (GDP). Governments of the subregion...
26 de noviembre de 2019 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Caribbean women suffer disproportionate levels of mortality and injury following disasters and extreme weather events. This is a direct result of recurrent discrimination and inequalities in access to adequate health care, food and nutrition, and water and sanitation, as well as education,...
18 de mayo de 2017 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
ECLAC Caribbean is organizing a one-day workshop to accelerate SDG Implementation in the Caribbean as an avenue to discuss practical steps towards establishing national institutional frameworks for SDG implementation in the Caribbean.
8 de septiembre de 2016 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The project entitled “Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean: Reducing the Carbon Footprint in the Caribbean through the Promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE) and the Use of Renewable Energy (RE) Technologies” seeks to strengthen the capacity of Caribbean countries in the areas of energy efficiency and...
17 de mayo de 2016 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
To date the technical work of the project has benefitted from inputs from Consultants, national energy policy makers, ECLAC specialists, and Regional Partners. It is anticipated that the technical and institutional resources of all of these partners would be applied in hosing this dialogue and...
26 de junio de 2015 | Comité de monitoreo
“There is no question that the Caribbean is shouldering an unsustainable debt burden which compromises the capacity of the economies for sustained growth and restricts the options available to governments to introduce important social and welfare programmes” the Executive Secretary of the Economic...
24 de junio de 2015 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
ECLAC subregional headquarters will facilitate the consideration of Caribbean sustainable development goals (SDGs) at a technical meeting of key stakeholders including intergovernmental organizations and civil society.
5 de junio de 2015 | Actividades culturales
ECLAC Caribbean staff members worked side by side with communities in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, to protect and preserve the local environmental heritage, in a special commemoration of the United Nations World Environment Day 2015.
20 de marzo de 2013 | Reuniones intergubernamentales
Este taller regional, organizado por CEPAL, PNUMA, UNITAR y WRI-TAI, se realizó los días 16 y 17 de septiembre de 2013 en el Hotel Hyatt Regency Trinidad en Puerto España y fue dirigido a funcionarios de gobierno y representantes de la sociedad civil de países del Caribe que trabajan activamente en...