Séptima Reunión de la Mesa Redonda sobre el Desarrollo del Caribe



Seventh meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable - The Caribbean: Recovery and Repositioning in the context of
COVID-19 and beyond

The Caribbean Development Roundtable will bring together regional and international development thinkers and practitioners, leaders and senior policymakers from ECLAC member States and associate member countries, representatives of the UN System, regional and international financial institutions, academia, and civil society, including the private sector, as well as other development partners. All are invited to contribute to the discussions.

(Meeting documents can be found below)

Event information



Tipo de evento:

Reuniones y seminarios técnicos


Con registro

In the wake of the onslaught of COVID-19 which served to exacerbate the debt and vulnerability challenges facing the subregion, the Caribbean Development Roundtable this year turns the spotlight on recovery and repositioning, with a view to finding practical and workable solutions to invest in resilience, economic recovery and sustained growth. The Roundtable, through panel discussions and dialogue among policymakers and key stakeholders, will be updated on the progress being made towards the establishment of the Caribbean Resilience Fund.


The Roundtable will also explore other opportunities for mobilizing innovative and concessional financing for investment in resilience building and adaptation. This is to promote economic recovery through diversification and a deepening of integration within the regional economy, and through global repositioning with the international community's support.



  1. Opening of the meeting.
  2. Addressing vulnerability, debt and liquidity in the Caribbean.
  3. The multidimensional vulnerability index as an effective measure of vulnerability in middle-income
  4. Responding to data and statistical capacity needs in the Caribbean.
  5. Global partnership for repositioning, recovery and resilience in the Caribbean.
  6. Economic restructuring and diversification for deeper integration of the Caribbean with Latin America and in the global economy.
  7. Close of the meeting.

Programa de trabajo:

Octubre 12, 2022

Addressing vulnerability, debt and liquidity in the Caribbean

06:30 - 10:00


Sheldon Mclean, Coordinator, Economic Development Unit, ECLAC Caribbean
Dr. Angus Friday, Blue Economy Director, Waitt Institute

Vulnerability, Debt and Liquidity

Elizabeth Emanuel, Technical Assistance and Corporate Communications Manager, CCRIF SPC

Importance of Financial Protection Strategies and Disaster Risk Financing to Debt and Fiscal Sustainability

Octubre 12, 2022

The multidimensional vulnerability index as an effective measure of vulnerability in middle-income Caribbean small island developing States

11:30 - 13:00


Tumasie Blair, Deputy Permanent Representative, Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations, New York

The Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for SIDS

Octubre 12, 2022

Responding to the data and statistical capacity needs of the Caribbean

13:15 - 14:45


Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Coordinator of the Statistics and Social Development Unit of the ECLAC subregional headquarters for Caribbean

Data production and statistical capacity in the Caribbean

Terence Agbeyegbe, Professor of Economics, Hunter College, City University of New York

Some Comments on Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for SIDS

Carol Coy, Director General, Statistical Institute of Jamaica (virtual) Anjali De Abreu-Kisoensingh, Environment Statistics & Sustainable Development Goals Focal Point, General Bureau of Statistics, Suriname

Data production & statistical capacity building- perspective from a national statistics office

Sherma Beroo, Technical Specialist for Statistics, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States

The Caribbean: recovery and repositioning in the context of COVID-19 and beyond

Cecille Blake, Statistician, Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations

Geospatial Information, the Currency of Modern Governments

Octubre 13, 2022

Global partnership for repositioning, recovery and resilience in the Caribbean

06:00 - 08:00


Regis Chapman, Representative and Country Director, World Food Programme Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean

WFP’s Disaster Risk Finance Strategy for the Caribbean

Octubre 13, 2022

Economic restructuring and diversification for deeper integration of the Caribbean with Latin America and in the global economy

08:15 - 10:15


Sheldon McLean, Coordinator, Economic Development Unit, ECLAC Caribbean

Regional integration and structural change in the Caribbean

Tasha Cain, Foreign Service Officer I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, Belize

Deepening the Integration of Caribbean Economies in Latin America

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Institución organizadora:

Oficina Subregional de CEPAL para el Caribe

  • http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
  • (868)224-8000

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Aurélie Quiatol

  • aurelie.quiatol@eclac.org
  • (868) 224-8071

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