ECLAC subregional headquarters is strongly supporting the regional effort to identify among the sustainable development goals (SDGs), those representing the most crucial development challenges facing the Caribbean, with a view to consolidating support and action towards addressing them.
Event information
Tipo de evento:
ECLAC will facilitate the consideration of Caribbean SDGs at a technical meeting of key stakeholders including intergovernmental organizations and civil society.
Some of these challenges are well known; low resilience to the threat of climate change, limited resources to respond to extreme events, low growth and productivity, high youth unemployment, the need for greater social protection, and the challenges posed by changing population dynamics such as ageing, and the increased prevalence of non-communicable diseases.
The meeting involves the participation of key regional partners, notably the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM).
Sede y Oficinas Subregionales:
Subregional Headquarters, Port of SpainEnlaces relacionados:
Institución organizadora:
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- http://www.cepal.org/en/headquarters-and-offices/eclac-caribbean
- (868)224-8000