Collection of publications on industrial development policy, business strategies, agricultural and rural development, SMEs, foreign direct investment and the information society, among others. Prepared by: Division of Production, Productivity and Management. ISSN: 1020-5179.
The landscape of B2C e-commerce marketplaces in Latin America and the Caribbean
The digitization of economy, and particularly the e-commerce can encourage innovation and contribute to the process of digital transformation of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) through the implementation of digital technologies and new business models, which can improve the efficiency...
Descripción física: 43 páginas. Editorial: CEPAL Fecha: April 2023 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2022/194/Corr.1Otras publicaciones
March 2016 | No.202 |
Adiós al viento de cola: se abre un nuevo ciclo de ajuste estructural |
November 2015 | No.201 |
Productivity, social expenditure and income distribution in Latin America |
June 2015 | No.200 |
Bioeconomía: nuevas oportunidades para la agricultura |
January 2015 | No.199 |
Compendio de prácticas estadísticas sobre las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en América Latina y el Caribe: versión 2014 |
January 2015 | No.198 |
What kind of microfoundations? Notes on the evolutionary approach |
January 2015 | No.197 |
Cambio estructural y crecimiento |
March 2014 | No.196 |
Foreign direct investment and welfare |
January 2014 | No.195 |
Chinese foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean |
September 2013 | No.194 |
Tecnología, heterogeneidad y crecimiento: una caja de herramientas estructuralistas |
January 2013 | No.193 |
The public debate about agrobiotechnology in Latin American countries: comparative study of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico |