Project documents
These are chiefly monographs reporting on research findings and technical studies financed by donors. Published in more flexible formats than the other collections, they often form the basis for more extensive publications in the future.
ECLAC Headquarters, Santiago (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, from 1948 to the present.
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico since its establishment by resolution 30(IV) of 16 June 1951.
ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean, which was established by resolution 288(XIII) of 19 April 1969.
ECLAC office in Bogota (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC office in Bogota since its establishment by resolution 212(IX) of 13 May 1961.
ECLAC office in Brasilia (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC office in Brasilia since its establishment in 1978.
ECLAC office in Argentina (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC office in Buenos Aires, which was established in December 1973, by a cooperation agreement between ECLAC and the Government of Argentina.
ECLAC office in Montevideo (Studies and Research Papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC office in Montevideo since its establishment in 1960.
ECLAC office in Washington, D.C. (studies and research papers)
Project documents and research papers prepared by the ECLAC office in Washington since its establishment in 1950.