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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 32 results in 2 pages.
Publication cover
December 2019

Competitiveness and its determinants: a systemic analysis for developing countries / Victor Medeiros, Lucas Gonçalves Godoi and Evandro Camargos...

Publication cover
August 2019

Monetary regimes and labour institutions: an alternative interpretation of the downward trend in exchange-rate pass-through in peripheral...

Publication cover
August 2018 |
Publication cover
December 2014 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC presents a set of basic statistics on the economic, sociodemographic and...

Publication cover
December 2013 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC presents a set of basic statistics on the economic, sociodemographic and...

Publication cover
December 2011 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean seeks to respond to the demands of users who require reliable and sound statistical...

Publication cover
December 2010 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean seeks to respond to the demands of users who require reliable and sound statistical...

Publication cover
November 2010 |
  • Wong, Sara
  • Kulmer, Veronika
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

Esta investigación propone medir los efectos de un acuerdo comercial con la Unión Europea (UE); sobre la pobreza en Ecuador. Tanto la pobreza como...

Publication cover
January 2010 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The present edition of the Yearbook has introduced improvements to the design of the four preceding editions; a further selection has been made of...

Publication cover
October 2009 |
  • Martínez, Rodrigo
  • Palma, Amalia
  • Atalah, Eduardo
  • Pinheiro, Anna Christina

The problem of food and nutrition insecurity in the region has been widely studied in Latin America and the Caribbean. However,...

Publication cover
March 2009 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The 2008 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean retains the content and design of the past three years. The aim...

Publication cover
March 2007 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The 2006 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin
America and the Caribbean maintains the modifi cations
in content and design...

Publication cover
October 2006 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

La Unidad de Desarrollo Agrícola de la Sede Subregional en México de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) ha reunido en...

Publication cover
October 2006 |
Secretaría General Iberoamericana

El presente documento, resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto de la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) y la Comisión Económica para América...

Publication cover
August 2006 |
Publication cover
July 2006 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The 2005 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin
America and the Caribbean introduces a series of important
modifi cations, both...

Publication cover
March 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

Mediante este documento se procura dar respuesta a la continua demanda de información comparable, confiable y de calidad. Los datos expuestos se...

Publication cover
July 2004 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

PRESENTACIÓN La crisis política y social detonada en Haití en febrero de 2004 tiene raíces profundas, que además de los factores políticos...