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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 61 to 80 of 395 results in 20 pages.
Publication cover
July 2021

Este livro aborda as políticas públicas de cuidado ao uso problemático de drogas nos contextos de extrema desigualdade social que caracterizam as...

Publication cover
June 2021 |
  • Buainain, Antônio Márcio
  • Cavalcante, Pedro
  • Consoline, Letícia

Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar as políticas públicas e iniciativas privadas adotadas nos países da região para promover o...

Publication cover
May 2021 |
  • Costa, Marco Aurélio
  • Lui, Lizandro
  • Rebello, Sara Tavares

O Ipea e a Cepal desenvolveram, ao longo de 2019, uma pesquisa comparativa, tendo por objeto a caracterização e análise das condições da...

Publication cover
May 2021 |
Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas

This document, a summary of the study “Afrodescendientes y la matriz de la desigualdad social en América Latina: retos para la inclusión”,...

Publication cover
March 2021 |

This edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America examines the social impact of an unprecedented crisis. The effects of the coronavirus disease...

Publication cover
February 2021 |
ONU Mujeres

In the current context of multiple crises caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Santiago Commitment, adopted by the member...

Publication cover
February 2021 |
  • Olivera, Margarita
  • Podcameni, Maria Gabriela
  • Lustosa, Maria Cecília
  • Graça, Letícia

A atual conjuntura é marcada pelo enfrentamento da crise sanitária provocada pelo COVID-19 e busca da recuperação da atividade econômica, dos...

Publication cover
January 2021 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

The 2020 edition of the annual report International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean, prepared by ECLAC, presents the main trends...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
January 2021 |
  • Costa Cavalcante, Pedro Luiz
  • Silva, Mauro Santos

Este livro tem como objetivo apresentar análises baseadas em evidências sobre as trajetórias das principais agendas relacionadas à administração...

Publication cover
February 2021 |

In its Preliminary Overview of the Economies of the region, ECLAC forecasts an average contraction of -7.7% for 2020 – the largest in 120 years –...

Publication cover
December 2020 |

The decade ending in 2019 saw the highest ever foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to Latin America and the Caribbean, which reached their...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This edition, No. 72 of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, analyses the effects and challenges of the coronavirus disease (...

Publication cover
August 2020 |

Today, Brazil and many countries around the world are seeking to stimulate economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life. In this context...

Publication cover
August 2020 |

Today, Brazil and many countries around the world are seeking to stimulate economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life. In this context...

Publication cover
August 2020 |
ONU Mujeres

The construction of comprehensive care systems is a fundamental factor in achieving the empowerment of women and gender equality, and it is a key...

Publication cover
July 2020 |
  • Trucco, Daniela
  • Palma, Amalia

The purpose of this document is to promote deliberation on public policies aimed at children in the digital age. Strategies that allow new...

Publication cover
September 2020 |

Today, Brazil and many countries around the world are seeking to stimulate economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life. In this context...

Publication cover
June 2020 |
ONU Mujeres

Este documento ilustra la situación de especial vulnerabilidad que atraviesan las trabajadoras domésticas en América Latina y el Caribe, poniendo...

Publication cover
September 2020 |

Today, Brazil and many countries around the world are seeking to stimulate economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life. In this context...