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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 110 results in 6 pages.
Publication cover
January 2024 |
  • Marcia Viana Martins, Michelle
  • Mendes Thame Denny , Danielle
  • Cechin, Alicia
  • Queen Almeida Bispo, Scarlett
  • Braga Nonnenberg, Marcelo
  • Lyrio Carneiro, Flávio

As normas voluntárias de sustentabilidade (NVS) estão assumindo importância cada vez maior na articulação das cadeias produtivas, seja pelas...

Publication cover
January 2024 |
  • Piola, Sérgio Francisco

Garantir recursos suficientes para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) é preocupação presente desde a sua criação. A vinculação de recursos do...

Publication cover
November 2023 |

The 2023 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, its seventy-fifth issue, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the...

Publication cover
July 2023 |

Document updated, August 9, 2023.

This document of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023 (ECLAC), presents the...

Publication cover
April 2023 |

The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are halfway through the time frame set for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...

Publication cover
February 2023 |
  • Biderman, Ciro
  • Pizzol, Bruna
  • Castro, Caio
  • Luz, Gregório
  • Galante de Souza, Vinicius
  • Oliveira, Vitor

As dinâmicas de crescimento populacional e de ocupação do espaço trazem enormes desafios para o transporte urbano na América Latina e no Caribe. A...

Publication cover
November 2022 |

This document examines the global and regional evolution of FDI and offers recommendations so these flows can contribute to the region’s...

Publication cover
November 2022 |

Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2022 has four chapters. Chapter I presents the relevant macroeconomic background in terms of...

Publication cover
December 2022 |

The 2022 edition of Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean examines the behavior of the region’s economies over...

Publication cover
October 2022 |

In a regional and international context of weak growth, high inflation and growing inequality, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean...

Publication cover
November 2022 |

The 2022 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean consists of three parts. Part I outlines the region’s economic...

Publication cover
January 2022 |

This edition of Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean analyzes the economic and social dynamics at play last...

Publication cover
December 2021 |

In its 2021 edition, this ECLAC annual report examines the foreign trade performance of the region’s economies during the current year, with the...

Publication cover
October 2021 |

The 2021 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, its seventy-third issue, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the...

Publication cover
June 2021 |

In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the entities of the United Nations system in Latin America and the Caribbean that...

Publication cover
August 2021 |

This document examines the global and regional evolution of FDI and offers recommendations so these flows can contribute to the region’s...

Publication cover
February 2021 |
ONU Mujeres

In the current context of multiple crises caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Santiago Commitment, adopted by the member...

Publication cover
January 2021 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

The 2020 edition of the annual report International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean, prepared by ECLAC, presents the main trends...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
February 2021 |

In its Preliminary Overview of the Economies of the region, ECLAC forecasts an average contraction of -7.7% for 2020 – the largest in 120 years –...