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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 21 to 40 of 320 results in 16 pages.
Publication cover
December 2004 |

This annual publication, one of the most important of ECLAC, includes official country figures up to November 30th, and an analysis of...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Montevideo

Pagina nueva 1 Luego de atravesar por una fase de crecimiento en los años noventa, entre 1998 y 2002 Uruguay asiste a una caída del...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Ricúpero, Rubens

El artículo comienza con una breve evocación de los rasgos principales
de la herencia de Raúl Prebisch, no solo desde el punto de vista...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Bresser Pereira, Luiz Carlos

El método que utiliza Celso Furtado es esencialmente histórico; su
pasión -una pasión mesurada- es Brasil. En la segunda mitad del

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Mesa-Lago, Carmelo

El artículo hace una descripción comparativa de tres diferentes
modelos generales de reforma estructural de pensiones aplicados en 12

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Guadagni, Alieto Aldo
  • Kaufmann, Jorge

Teniendo en cuenta la magnitud de la pobreza mundial y el desafío
que los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio se han impuesto para

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Martner Fanta, Ricardo
  • Tromben, Varinia

Aunque en América Latina los coeficientes deuda pública/PIB
siguen siendo en general más bajos que en otros países emergentes, no

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Cetrángolo, Oscar
  • Jiménez, Juan Pablo

En este artículo se tratan las relaciones fiscales y financieras entre
el gobierno nacional y los gobiernos provinciales en Argentina...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Gindling, T.H.
  • Trejos S., Juan Diego

Este trabajo busca respuesta a dos preguntas: ¿cómo y por qué cambió
la distribución de los ingresos laborales en Centroamérica? y ¿por qué...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Ricúpero, Rubens

This article begins with a brief evocation of the main features of the legacy left to us by Raúl Prebisch, not only from the strictly intellectual...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Bresser Pereira, Luiz Carlos

The method that Celso Furtado used was essentially historical; his
passion -a measured passion- was for Brazil. In the second half of the...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Mesa-Lago, Carmelo

This article gives a comparative description of three different
general structural pension reform models applied in 12 Latin American...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Guadagni, Alieto Aldo
  • Kaufmann, Jorge

In the light of the extent of global poverty and the challenge
presented by the Millennium Development Goals for its reduction, this article...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Martner Fanta, Ricardo
  • Tromben, Varinia

Although in Latin America public debt-to-GDP ratios continue to
be generally lower than in other emerging countries, it has nevertheless not...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Cetrángolo, Oscar
  • Jiménez, Juan Pablo

This article deals with the fiscal and financial relations between the
national government and the provincial governments in Argentina...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Rodrigues Afonso, José Roberto

Brazil is now one of the most decentralized federative countries in
the world, with the special feature that its decentralization is not the...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Gindling, T.H.
  • Trejos S., Juan Diego

This study seeks to answer two questions: how and why has the
distribution of labour income changed in Central America? and why does Costa...

Publication cover
December 2004 |

Until now, the extensive literature dealing with competition policy and trade agreements has referred mainly to integration agreements or their...

Publication cover
December 2004 |

Editorial En esta edición de Redatam Informa queremos presentar tres nuevos estudios sociodemográficos que han utilizado las bondades de Redatam...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
NU. CEPAL. Servicios de Información

Worrisome Decline in Labour Conditions Being Young in Ibero-America Op- ed, by José Luis Machinea:For a Social Cohesion Pact Highlights;...