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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
January 2024 |
Publication cover
November 2023 |
Publication cover
September 2022 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The Caribbean faces multidimensional vulnerabilities driven by climate change and aggravated by Small Island Developing States’ natural and...

Publication cover
August 2022 |
  • Santana, Luis Enrique
  • Serra, Isabel

¿Cómo se relacionan la ciudadanía digital y el enfoque de derechos en las ciudades? ¿Permite la revolución tecnológica un goce efectivo de...

Publication cover
July 2021 |
Publication cover
August 2017
Publication cover
April 2017 |
  • Fuentes, Luis
  • Mac-Clure, Oscar
  • Moya, Cristóbal
  • Olivos, Camilo

This article seeks to define and characterize the urban structure of Santiago, Chile, based on the relation between its inhabitants’ places of...

Publication cover
April 2017
Publication cover
December 2008 |
  • Rodríguez Vignoli, Jorge

Al examinar los vínculos entre migración y desarrollo mediantemicrodatos censales de quince países latinoamericanos, se encuentraque: i); la...

Publication cover
December 2008 |
  • Rodríguez Vignoli, Jorge

An examination of the links between migration and developmentusing census micro data for 15 Latin American countries reveals that: (i);internal...