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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 295 results in 15 pages.
Publication cover
April 2024 |
  • Galdámez, Catalina
  • Morales López, Rodrigo Alfonso

This work analyses the effects of wage earners’ income tax on vertical equity and income distribution in El Salvador, by assessing the two most...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Arenas de Mesa, Alberto

Social protection was extensively discussed at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development. Over 75 years, the Economic Commission for Latin...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Amarante, VerónicaAmarante, Verónica
  • Lustig, Nora
  • Vigorito, Andrea

Seventy-five years after the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was founded, reducing the concentration of income and...

Publication cover
July 2023

In the area of social protection systems, the Latin American and Caribbean region is characterized by structural gaps in coverage and sufficiency...

Publication cover
April 2023 |
  • del Castillo, Miguel

El propósito de este estudio es analizar la forma en que se genera (producto interno bruto), asigna (ingreso nacional), distribuye (ingreso...

Publication cover
March 2023 |
  • del Castillo, Miguel

This study analyses how value from labour (intellectual and manual) and natural resources (which also provide value) is created (gross national...

Publication cover
December 2022 |
  • Calderón, Miguel

En este documento se analiza la desigualdad social desde distintas perspectivas y se discute en qué consiste la desigualdad de condiciones,...

Publication cover
October 2022 |
  • Alvaredo, Facundo
  • de Rosa, Mauricio
  • Flores, Ignacio
  • Morgan, Marc

Este documento presenta una revisión de las estadísticas distributivas en la República Dominicana a partir de la combinación de distintas fuentes...

Publication cover
October 2022 |
  • Fuentes, Alvaro

En este documento se presenta una revisión de las estadísticas distributivas en la República Dominicana a partir de la combinación de distintas...

Publication cover
September 2022 |
  • Robles, Adriana

Los datos indican que la homogamia educativa aumenta cuanto mayor es la
desigualdad económica. Una mayor desigualdad podría incrementar la...

Publication cover
May 2022 |
  • Bielschowsky, Ricardo
  • del Castillo, Miguel
  • Squeff, Gabriel Coelho
  • Orozco, Roberto
  • Beteta, Hugo E.

El objetivo de este estudio es contribuir a la discusión sobre la viabilidad y el alcance potencial de aumentar sustancialmente las percepciones...

Publication cover
April 2022 |
  • Santos, Jeruza Haber Alves dos
  • Mattos, Leonardo Bornacki de
  • Carvalho, Luciano Dias de

The theoretical model of Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) is one of the most discussed works regarding capital accumulation and functional income...

Publication cover
April 2022 |
  • Castillo Fernández, Dídimo

This article analyses the key characteristics of the two major economic models of the last century, and of the current one thus far, in Latin...

Publication cover
April 2022 |
  • Santos, Rafaela Nascimento
  • Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos de Santana
  • Santana, José Ricardo de

This article evaluates the impact of oil royalties on Brazil’s production structure and their effects on regional inequality. An interregional...

Publication cover
April 2022 |
  • Bielschowsky, Ricardo
  • del Castillo, Miguel
  • Squeff, Gabriel Coelho
  • Orozco, Roberto
  • Beteta, Hugo E.

The purpose of this study is to contribute to the discussion on the viability and potential impact of substantially increasing the pay of the...

Publication cover
March 2022 |
  • Monroy, Juan Manuel
  • Ramírez Jaramillo, Juan Carlos
  • Núñez Méndez, Jairo

Este documento describe y cuantifica el contexto demográfico y el perfil de la pobreza económica en Colombia en lo corrido del siglo XXI, a partir...
