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This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 136 results in 7 pages.
Publication cover
December 2015 |
Universidad de Cantabria. Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental

This effort to study the effects of climate change in the coastal areas of Latin America and the Caribbean has been divided into four main parts...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Bello, Omar
  • Ortiz Malavassi, Laura M.
  • Samaniego, Joseluis
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos

The purpose of this work is to review ECLAC’s experience in assessing the economic and social impact of disasters. Toward that end, the database...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Samaniego, Joseluis
  • Schneider, Heloísa

Quantifying the resources mobilized to tackle climate change makes it possible to ascertain the region’s status in this area and the opportunities...

Publication cover
December 2015
Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Galindo, Luis Miguel
  • Samaniego, Joseluis
  • Alatorre, José Eduardo

By means of a meta-analysis, this article sets out to estimate average values for the income and price elasticities of gasoline demand and to...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Romero, Indira
  • Moreno Brid, Juan Carlos

The oil and gas sector has led the economy of Trinidad and Tobago since the late 1970s and, more pronouncedly, since 2000, accounting for a large...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Alarcón, Silverio
  • Ordóñez, Jessica

Drawing on data from a survey of returning migrants, this study examines the factors behind the decision to launch a business in Loja, Ecuador....

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Fruet Cardozo, J. Vicente
  • Muñoz Fernández, Guzmán A.

The construction and ownership of homes is fundamental to economic development, the generation of wealth and the formation of the middle class....

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Chagas Goudard, Gustavo
  • Bittes Terra, Fábio Henrique

One of the consequences of the recent international economic crisis has been the demand for new economic policy tools, to add to the well-...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Gerchunoff, Pablo
  • Machinea, José Luis

This article is the short but crucial history of four years of transition in a monetary and exchange-rate regime that culminated in 1933 with the...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Beccaría, Luis Alberto
  • Groisman, Fernando

The document evaluates the presence of segmentation in the Argentinean labour market. The analysis is centred on the comparison of the earnings of...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Mujica R., Patricio
  • Saens, Rodrigo

Using quarterly data on the Chilean economy from 1986 to 2009, this article looks at the effect of gradual implementation of an inflation-...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Schatan, Claudia
  • Enríquez, Leobardo

This study investigates the extent to which the digital boom has had repercussions on productive activity, in terms of both manufacturing (ict...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Gabriel, Luciano Ferreira
  • Cerqueira, Antonio Claudio de Gama
  • Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos de Santana

The aim of this article is to analyse the spatial distribution of the automotive industry in Brazil in terms of its various economic categories...

Publication cover
December 2015 |

The Latin American Economic Outlook analyses issues related to Latin America’s economic and social development. Ever since the first edition was...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

This document, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Washington Office, presents and analyzes the most...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

United States Trade Developments, 2014-2015, provides an overview of the most relevant trade developments in the United States trade relations...