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Macroprudential policy: an institutionalist interpretation

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Macroprudential policy: an institutionalist interpretation

Author: Chagas Goudard, Gustavo - Bittes Terra, Fábio Henrique Physical Description: páginas. 25-39 Date: December 2015 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2652-P

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One of the consequences of the recent international economic crisis has been the demand for new economic policy tools, to add to the well-established monetary, exchange-rate, and fiscal policy mechanisms. In particular, more effective ways are needed to regulate the financial system and prevent the emergence of imbalances that affect the real economy. In that context, macroprudential policy has been singled out as another economic-type public policy which could help maintain financial stability. Nonetheless, the discussions and development of the literature on this topic are founded on pragmatic considerations that are not directly related to the orthodox or heterodox schools of economic thought. So the aim of this article is to provide an institutionalist reading of macroprudential policy, to understand it in terms of the theoretical content of institutional approaches.