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The effects of climate change on the coasts of Latin America and the Caribbean: Climate variability, dynamics and trends

Publication cover

The effects of climate change on the coasts of Latin America and the Caribbean: Climate variability, dynamics and trends

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL - Universidad de Cantabria. Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental Physical Description: 259 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2015 ECLAC symbol: LC/W.447


This effort to study the effects of climate change in the coastal areas of Latin America and the Caribbean has been divided into four main parts in line with the comprehensive risk-assessment methodology developed. The outputs of this regional study are presented in four core documents: an analysis of coastal dynamics and climate variability, a study on the vulnerability of coastal areas, an evaluation of the impacts of climate change and an exploration of how all these different factors can be brought together in an assessment of the risks of the impacts of climate change on the region’s coastal areas.
The overall objective of this study is to compile the specific types of information required in order to analyse the economic impacts of climate change in the coastal areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. The area covered by the study encompasses the coastlines of Latin America and the Caribbean (an area totalling approximately 72,182 km in length).

Table of contents

1. Introduction .-- II. Databases and other information sources .-- III. Coastal dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- IV. Methodologies for evaluating long-term trends .-- V. Trends in coastal dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- VI. Analysis of inter-annual variability in the coastal dynamics
of Latin America and the Caribbean .-- VII. General conclusions.