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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
August 2008 |
Francia. Gobierno

Per capita GDP has grown more in 2003-2007 than at any other time since the 1970s. ECLAC projections indicate that this trend will continue in...

Publication cover
April 2008 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Económico

Stable, higher income democracies often have both a strong middle class and relatively low levels of inequality. In contrast, lower and middle...

Publication cover
April 2005 |

Avant-propos La pensée latino-américaine est, selon certains, une éternelle tentative de concilier modernisation et identité. Dès sa création, la...

Publication cover
July 2004 |
German Agency for Technical Cooperation
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Social

Este artículo se divide en cuatro partes distintas pero interrelacionadas. En primer lugar, se procura identificar los principales ejes de las...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Franco, Rolando
  • Sáinz, Pedro

Terminada la década de los noventa, el bajo crecimiento económico,
su vulnerabilidad ante la inestabilidad financiera internacional

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Franco, Rolando
  • Sáinz, Pedro

Now that the 1990s have ended and a new millennium is dawning, the low rate of economic growth, the region's vulnerability to international...

Publication cover
December 2000 |
  • Klein, Emilio
  • Tokman, Víctor E.

El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar el efecto de la
globalización en el mercado del trabajo y en la estratificación
social. Hay...

Publication cover
December 2000 |
  • Klein, Emilio
  • Tokman, Víctor E.

The objective of this paper is to explore the effects of globalization on the labour market and social stratification. It is generally held that...

Publication cover
December 2000