CEPAL Review no. 130

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CEPAL Review no. 130

  • Physical Description: 202 páginas.
  • UN Symbol (Signature): LC/PUB.2020/4-P
  • Date: April 20, 2020

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Technological change and employment in Latin America: opportunities and challenges / Jürgen Weller .-- A comparative analysis of medicine prices in Latin America / Roberto Álvarez and Aldo González .-- Innovation systems and changes in the core-periphery divide: notes on a methodology to determine countries’ trajectories using science and technology statistics / Catari Vilela Chaves, Leonardo Costa Ribeiro, Ulisses Pereira dos Santos and Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque .-- Corruption, production structure and economic development in developing countries / Helis Cristina Zanuto Andrade Santos and Gilberto Joaquim Fraga .-- The effects of maritime container transport on economic growth in the countries on the west coast of Latin America / María Jesús Freire-Seoane, Beatriz López-Bermúdez and Ignacio de la Peña Zarzuelo .-- A regional approach to the study of industrial diversity in Argentina (1996–2012) / Andrea Belmartino and Carla Daniela Calá .-- Anatomy of the Brazilian middle class: identification, behaviours and expectations / Matthieu Clément, Yves-André Fauré, Jean-Philippe Berrou, François Combarnous, Dominique Darbon and Éric Rougier .-- Determinants of labour productivity in Mexico: an approach from the endogenous growth theory using artificial neural networks / Héctor Eduardo Díaz Rodríguez and Fidel Aroche Reyes .-- The impact of public debt on economic growth: an empirical study of Mexico (1994–2016) / Jesús Vaca Medina, Gustavo Vaca Medina and César Omar Mora Pérez .-- The importance of the BRICS group in the specialization of production and export competitiveness of North-East Brazil / Jevuks Matheus de Araújo, Lúcia Nunes de Barros Vitorio, Sergiany da Silva Lima and Danilo Raimundo de Arruda.

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