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Showing 1 to 20 of 38 results in 2 pages.
Banner seminario Macroeconomía y Género
12 July 2024 | News
The gathering in Montevideo, organized by ECLAC, UNDP and UDELAR, featured a keynote lecture by Professor Özlem Onaran of the University of Greenwich (United Kingdom).
Foto del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL en la testera con otras dos personas
26 October 2023 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, participated in the “Dialogues on Uruguay’s Future,” where he stressed the need to escalate productive development policies and focus efforts on dynamic sectors to increase growth in the region’s countries and make it more sustainable and inclusive.
Portada documento efectos guerra de Ucrania en Uruguay
23 December 2022 | News
A publication by ECLAC’s Office in Montevideo points up effects on inflation, the terms of trade and interest rates, which could jeopardize the economy’s dynamism next year.
Foto de participantes en el evento
17 November 2022 | News
Authorities and specialists addressed these and other issues on the second day of the Eighth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is taking place through Friday, November 18 in Montevideo.
Cover page of document.
16 November 2022 | News
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, presented today the main document of the Eighth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is taking place through Friday, November 18 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Cómo seguir la conferencia eLAC2024 ENG
14 November 2022 | News
The meeting will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay on November 16-18, 2022. Those interested in joining the conversation can use the hashtags #eLAC2024 and #DigitalTransformation.
foto del edificio donde se realizará la Conferencia en Uruguay
14 September 2022 | News
The meeting will take place in Montevideo from Wednesday, November 16 to Friday, November 18, 2022.
Portada estudio CEPAL Uruguay
13 March 2020 | News
A study by the organization’s office in Montevideo analyzes the instruments utilized by Latin American and Caribbean countries, with a deeper focus on the case of Uruguay.
Portada publicación CEPAL Uruguay
9 December 2019 | News
A study by ECLAC’s office in Montevideo simulates distinct scenarios for growth in the market share of this kind of vehicle, and estimates their impact on national and subnational tax revenue.
Presentación Estrategia Uruguay 2050
27 September 2019 | News
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional commission, Alicia Bárcena, participated in the event to launch the initiative on August 27 in Montevideo.
3 September 2019 | Announcement
This Friday, September 6, authorities from Chile and Uruguay along with representatives of ECLAC and UN Women will hold a press conference to unveil the details of the regional gathering that will take place in November in Santiago.
Banner de ambas reuniones.
21 August 2019 | Announcement
The XVI Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the XVII Meeting of the Regional Council for Planning, will take place from August 28 through August 30 in Montevideo.
Las reuniones subregionales virtuales se organizaron en la sede de la CEPAL en Santiago, Chile.
27 June 2019 | News
On June 26 and 27, authorities analyzed the progress made on the position document that ECLAC will present at the gathering, and shared national priorities regarding policies for women’s autonomy and gender equality.
Foto de la capacitación realizada a funcionarios de gobierno en Uruguay
17 June 2019 | News
The course drew the participation of officials from the offices of planning and evaluation of the Ministries of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Economy and Finance, Social Development and the Planning and Budget Office.
Manfred Haebig, Mario Cimoli,  y Laís Abramo Directora
3 April 2019 | News
A seminar on the subject was inaugurated in Santiago de Chile, by senior representatives of ECLAC and the German Cooperation GIZ.
Portada medición de pobreza en Uruguay
13 March 2019 | News
The document was produced as a contribution to the upcoming national discussion on determining the country’s poverty threshold.
La presentación del libro se realizó el 12 de noviembre en Montevideo, Uruguay.
10 December 2018 | News
The publication was edited jointly by ECLAC, UNICEF and the country’s Ministry of Social Development.
Foto de curso sobre erogaciones sociales realizado en Uruguay
25 June 2018 | News
The course was organized by ECLAC’s office in Montevideo, in the framework of an agreement with that country’s Ministry of Social Development.
Portada del informe.
27 March 2018 | News
Report aims to contribute information by characterizing export sectors of Uruguay’s economy based on an input-output matrix.
Foto de adultos mayores descansando
12 December 2017 | News
Commission prepared two studies, thanks to an agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Center for Fiscal Studies.