Technical meeting on validation of household consumption expenditure prices of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021



Virtual meeting organized by ECLAC in its capacity as Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the ICP.

Event information




Event type:

Meetings and technical symposiums


By invitation

Technical meeting with price focal points of the of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021.

Topics of this meeting:

  • Status of the ICP - Schedule of activities - Deliveries of information and procedure with the data collected 2019-2020-2021.
  • Validation of prices for the 4th quarter and 2021 year of prices for household consumption expenditure.
  • CPI and ICP integration: country cases of implementation.
  • Agreements and next steps.

Programme of work:

November 15, 2022

Session 2: Household Consumption Expenditure Prices for 2021 Cycle

08:25 - 09:30


Lady Infante, CEPAL

  - Revisión entrega de datos y cobertura de la información

  - Validación de precios del cuartor trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares / Validation of Q4 prices of household consumption expenditure

November 16, 2022

Session 2: Household Consumption Expenditure Prices for 2021 Cycle (cont.)

07:30 - 09:30



- Validación de precios del cuartor trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares / Validation of quarter 4 prices of household consumption expenditure

  - Validación de precios del primer al tercere trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares / Validation of Q1-Q3 prices of household consumption expenditure

» Ronda de preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments

November 17, 2022

Session 3: Good practices in the ICP implementation, country cases

07:30 - 09:00


Franklin Tenesaca, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) de Ecuador

ECUADOR: Levantamiento de información Programa de C omparación Internacional (PCI)

Barón Barinas e Iván Ortiz, Banco Central de la República Dominicana

REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA: Integración y sincronización del IPC y Programa de Comparación Internacional (PCI)

» Ronda de preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments

Practical information:

Plataforma de conexión/Connection platform: ZOOM
Fecha/Date: 15, 16 y 17 Nov.2022
Hora/Time: 10:30 a 12:30 h. (Santiago, UTC-3)
Idioma/Language: Español - Inglés (Traducción simultánea)

Spanish - English (Simultaneous translation)
Nota/Note: Para pruebas de conexión, la sesión estará disponible 60 minutos antes de la hora de inicio programada.

For connection testing, the session will be available 60 minutes before the scheduled start time.


Organizing institution:

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

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