This team of specialists, created in 2013 under the auspices of the United Nations Statistical Commission and UN-GGIM, proposes guidelines, methodologies and standards to link statistical data to a location and to have disaggregated information available in the territory.
Event information

Event type:
This Expert Group Meeting will enable to review and deliberate its future direction, including identifying how to advance the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF); agree on its next steps to assist Member States in strengthening statistical geospatial integration and coordination towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and establish coordination mechanisms to enable Member States to build resilient, agile, relevant, responsive and robust statistical and data systems adhering to the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics that fully integrate geospatial information.
The main objectives of this Expert Group Meeting are to:
- Discuss the recent mandates provided to the Expert Group by the Statistical Commission and the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), and identify how the Expert Group can mutually support the implementation of ECOSOC Resolutions 2022/3 and 2022/24;
- Raise awareness and strengthen global and regional collaboration in geo-statistical integration by supporting a Regional Seminar on “Integrating Statistical and Geospatial Information for Sustainable Development” on 30 November 2022;
- Provide Member State representatives responsible for geo-statistical integration the opportunity to discuss challenges in the domain of statistical and geospatial integration and set forth work plans that identify and advance solutions in a participatory and inclusive manner;
- Develop applicable Work Plans and establish future working modalities to ensure the Expert Group can discharge its mandates appropriately; and,
- Discuss its business modalities, including appointing new co-Chairs and revising its Terms of Reference.
The activity will be open to the participation of the members of UN-GGIM: Americas, with the purpose of encouraging the participation of our region in this global working group.
Programme of work:
Session 1: Welcome, Introduction Opening
This session will provide opening remarks from the co-Chairs and the hosts, enabling introductions from the assembled participants, and helps set the scene for participants..
Welcome Remarks ▪ Claudio Stenner, IBGE, Brazil ▪ Lorraine McNerney, Ordnance Survey, Irlanda ▪ Rolando Ocampo, ECLAC ▪ Pamela Castillo Retamales, UN-GGIM Americas |
Announcements ▪ Álvaro Monett, ECLAC |
Round of Introductions ▪ Members of the EG-ISGI and invited observers |
Session 2: Reviewing the business modalities of the Expert Group
Nombramiento de nuevos copresidentes / The appointment of new co-Chairs
The 53rd session of the UNSC and the 12th session of UN-GGIM
The tenth year of the EG-ISGI: Taking Stock - Looking Forward
» Discusión / Discussion
Session 3: Strengthening Geo-Statistical Coordination and Coherence
In considering the mandates provided by UNSC and UN-GGIM and ECOSOC Resolutions 2022/3 and 2022/24, this session will discuss how the Expert Group can strengthen regional work on the geo-statistical integration, taking stock of how the GSGF is being implemented regionally.
- Moderator: co-Chairs of the EG-ISGI
The Mandates of the Expert Group
Collaboration between Statistical and Geospatial communities
Advancing in the implementation of the GSGF in the Americas
Working Group on the integration of statistical and geospatial information (GT-IIEG)
Regional Experiences of Implementing the GSGF
» Discusión / Discussion
Session 4: The Strategic Direction of the Expert Group
This session will foster discussion on the Expert Group’s strategic direction beyond the 2020 Round of Census and agree on actions that will position the Expert Group and the GSGF for the future needs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and other prevailing national priorities and global development agendas
- Moderator: co-Chairs of the EG-ISGI
▪ Deirdre Bishop, US Census Bureau, United States of America
▪ David Sánchez, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, Ecuador
▪ Eric Loubier, National Resources Canada, Canada
The EG-ISGI Future Strategic Direction
Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information
The transition of national mapping agencies in the era of democratization of geospatial information: A dialogue with the community
» Discusión / Discussion
Review of the First Day and Setting the Scene for Day 2
This session will provide opening remarks from the co-Chairs and the hosts, enabling introductions from the assembled participants, and helps set the scene for participants.
Session 5: Advancing on the Work Plan 2022: 2024
This session considers the various components of the EG-ISGI’s work plan 2022: 2024 and seeks to prioritise and help the EG-ISGI commit members to its deliverance. Each session consists of a presentation on the topic, followed by discussion that agrees on the means of delivering against each wok plan item.
- Moderator: co-Chairs of the EG-ISGI
IAEG-SDG: Working Group on Geospatial Information
a) Expand on the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework for the Statistical Domain
b) Developing capacity-assessment tools and maturity models for statistical and geospatial integration
c) Aprovechamiento de la arquitectura institucional en la integración de información estadística y geoespacial / Leveraging enterprise architecture in the integration of statistical and geospatial information
d) Steps to providing guidance on developing user-centric and other geographies
Avanzando en el Plan de Trabajo 2022-2024: revisión y priorización de elementos del programa de trabajo existentes y emergentes
Advancing on the Work Plan 2022-2024: review and prioritization of existing and emerging work program elements
Session 6: Ongoing Modalities of the Expert Group
This session will enable the Expert Group to review its Terms of Reference, its report to the 54th Statistical Commission, and its roadmap of activities for 2023.
- Moderator: co-Chairs of the EG-ISGI
Session 7: Closure
This session will close the Expert Group Meeting, summarising the main points and actions emanating from the meeting’s discussions and deliberations.
- Moderator: co-Chairs of the EG-ISGI
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Ninth Session of UN-GGIM: Americas
The Ninth Session of the United Nations Regional Committee for Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas) was held in Santiago, from November 28 to 30, 2022.
Meeting documents :
Related Links:
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Organizing institution:
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
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United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM)
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