Ninth Session of UN-GGIM: Americas



The Ninth Session of the United Nations Regional Committee for Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas) was held in Santiago, from November 28 to 30, 2022.

Event information




Event type:


The Ninth Session of the United Nations Regional Committee for Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas) was held in Santiago, at ECLAC headquarters, from November 28 to 30, 2022. The meeting was organized between UN-GGIM: Americas and ECLAC, which fulfills the role of Technical Secretariat.

The objective of this meeting was to share progress and project future actions of the work agenda of this regional committee, focused on strengthening national geospatial information management processes; support the integration of statistical and geospatial information; and promote the use of geospatial information to support disaster response. Likewise, to examine opportunities for collaboration between countries and also from other geospatial organizations in the region that will participate in the event.

This committee is part of the regional architecture of the United Nations global body on this matter (UN-GGIM), which reports to ECOSOC and has a rich work agenda focused on strengthening the use of geospatial information to support decision-making and public policies, with special attention to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. UN-GGIM: Americas was created in 2013 with the objective of strengthening national geospatial information management processes in the countries of the region, based on the implementation of the guidelines generated by the UN-GGIM Committee of Experts at the global level. The presidency for the period 2021-2025 falls on Chile through the National System for Coordination of Territorial Information (SNIT) of the Ministry of National Assets of Chile, the agency that leads the development of the national geospatial data infrastructure (IDE-Chile).

This was the first time that this regional meeting is held at ECLAC premises, with the participation of delegations from 22 countries, composed of the directors of national geospatial agencies and other expert organizations in the field.

Programme of work:

November 28, 2022

Welcome and opening remarks

07:00 - 08:10

▪ Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, President of UN-GGIM: Americas.
▪ Rolando Ocampo, Director of the ECLAC Statistics Division.
▪ Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the United Nations Statistics Division.
▪ Paloma Merodio, Co-President UN-GGIM
▪ Javiera Toro Cáceres, Ministra de Bienes Nacionales, Chile


- Verificación quórum y aprobación de la Agenda / Quorum verification and approval of the Agenda

November 28, 2022

Session 3: Situation, needs and challenges of the Member States of the Regional Committee

09:30 - 10:30

- Moderator: Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Americas


Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN-GGIM: Americas

Regional Guidelines for the UN-GGIM: Americas ​ 2021-2025 Workplan

     » Intervenciones de los países / Country interventions

November 28, 2022

Session 4: Workshop on Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)

11:30 - 14:00


Deirdre Bishop, HLG-IGIF

Introducción / Introduction

Cecille Blake, UN-GGIM Secretariat

IGIF Implementation, the global perspective

Deirdre Bishop, HLG-IGIF

High- level Group of the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework, IGIF

Isis Tejada, Instituto Geográfico Nacional de Panamá

Presentación del Grupo de Trabajo “Marco Integrado de Información Geoespacial”

John Kedar & Ines Mato, SDG Data Alliance

Implementing the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) at country-level

Deirdre Bishop, HLG-IGIF

Espacio de discusión “Necesidades y desafíos regionales para la implementación del IGIF”

November 29, 2022

Sesión 5: Regional Collaboration

06:30 - 10:30

»  Presentation of the day's agenda


Sergio Cimbaro, Vocal de América del Sur / Vocal of South America, UN-GGIM: Americas

     » Introducción / Introduction

Simone M. Lloyd, GISP Jamaica Focal Point & Caribbean Vocal
Rosario Casanova, Red Académica UN-GGIM: Américas / Academic Network UN-GGIM: Americas

Aportes desde la Red Académica UN-GGIM: Américas / Contributions from Academic Network UN-GGIM: Americas

Valeri Grant, Private Sector Network for the Americas

Private Sector Network: updates and the way forward

Sergio Cimbaro, Vocal de América del Sur / Vocal of South America, UN-GGIM: Americas

     » Intervenciones de los países / Country interventions

Rosario Casanova, Red Académica UN-GGIM: Américas / Academic Network UN-GGIM: Americas

     » Introducción / Introduction

Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Geocentric Reference System for the Americas, SIRGAS, Brazil

SIRGAS and GRFA WG UN-GGIM:Americas interactions for sustainable geodesy in the Americas

Antonio Campuzano, Pan American Institute of Geography and History, PAIGH

Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) and its concrete actions to support the application of the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) in America

Angélica Gutiérrez, AmeriGEO initiative

AmeriGEO's contribution to the joint plan: the new generation of the international academy american

Rosario Casanova, Red Académica UN-GGIM: Américas / Academic Network UN-GGIM: Americas

     » Intervenciones de los países / Country interventions

November 29, 2022

Session 6: Thematic events “Looking to the future”

11:30 - 13:30


Simone Lloyd, Vocal del Caribe / Vocal of the Caribbean, UN-GGIM: Americas

» Introducción / Introduction

Andrea Diniz da Silva, National School of Statistical Sciences of IBGE, Brazil

Centro Regional de las Naciones Unidas para Big Data / United Nations Regional Hub for Big Data

Gabriela García Seco, Vocal América del Norte / Vocal of North American, UN-GGIM: Americas
Horacio Castellaro, CEPAL/ECLAC

Tecnologías para una IDE / Technologies for an SDI

» Moderadora / Moderator: Vocal del Caribe / Vocal of the Caribbean, UN-GGIM: Americas

     » Intervenciones de los países / Country interventions

November 30, 2022

Session 7: Workshop Global Statistical and Geospatial Framework

06:35 - 09:00


Gabriela García Seco, Vocal América del Norte / Vocal of North American, UN-GGIM: Americas

» Introducción / Introduction

Claudio Stenner, IBGE, Brazil

The GSGF and beyond – Geospatial-statistical integration for our future

Sandra Liliana Moreno, DANE, Colombia

Perspectives for the integration of statistical and geospatial information in the Americas

José Manuel García, Simón Bolívar Geographic Institute of Venezuela

National Geographic and Statistical System Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Daniel Taccari, ECLAC

Statistical and geospatial data interoperability: CEPALSTAT Geoportal

Gabriela García Seco, Vocal América del Norte / Vocal of North American, UN-GGIM: Americas

Espacio de discusión “Necesidades y desafíos regionales para la implementación del GSGF” / Discussion space: Regional needs and challenges for the implementation of the GSGF

November 30, 2022

Session 8: Strategic Framework for Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters

09:00 - 10:30


Claudio Stenner, IBGE, Brasil/Brazil

» Introducción / Introduction

Simone Lloyd, Vocal of the Caribbean, UN-GGIM: Americas

Global Perspective: UN-GGIM WG Disasters

Ecuador & Brasil

Presentación del Grupo de Trabajo “Marco Estratégico de Información y Servicios Geoespaciales para Desastres”

Eric Loubier, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources

From building spatial infrastructures to addressing policy priorities for decision making:Canadian perspective

Cayo de Oliveira Franco, IBGE, Brazil

Population living in risk areas in Brazil

Rosa Cuesta, Military Geographic Institute, Ecuador

Geoinformation management in response to disasters in Ecuador, case study: the Action of the IGM in the Earthquake 06/2016

Claudio Stenner, IBGE, Brasil/Brazil

     » Intervenciones de los países / Country interventions

November 30, 2022

Session 9: Geodetic Reference Framework for the Americas Working Group

11:30 - 12:35


Sergio Cimbaro, Vocal de América del Sur / Vocal of South America, UN-GGIM: Americas

» Introducción / Introduction

Daniel Roman, Working Group ETCB

UN Subcommittee on Geodesy (SCoG) Update

Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Geocentric Reference System for the Americas, SIRGAS, Brazil

The Implementation of GGRF in the Americas Global Geodetic Reference Frame for the Americas

Sonia Maria Alves Costa, Geocentric Reference System for the Americas, SIRGAS, Brazil

     » Intervención de países

November 30, 2022

Cierre de la novena sesión del Comité Regional de UN-GGIM: Américas

13:05 - 14:00
Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN, GGIM: Américas
Resoluciones Novena Sesión UN, GGIM: Américas
Palabras de cierre
    ▪  Sofía Nilo Crisóstomo, UN, GGIM: Américas
    ▪  Rolando Ocampo , División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL


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Organizing institution:

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

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